With sales barley into the 200k of total units sold in the last quarter, Apple Insider has been tipped off that there is about to be a fire sale of the Playbooks at Staples. Seeing prices across the board drop on all three models, 16GB, 32GB and 64GB by as much as $300 sadly wont have the same effect that HP did with their tablet.
With the 16GB model coming in at $199, the 32GB comes in at $299 and the 64GB coming in at $399 still is to much for something that can’t even have access to email on its own. With both the limitation of what the tablet can do, the lack of developers putting anything behind it and the delays in having it run Android why would they not give more of a price drops. While the 200k is still more than the Motorola Xoom which has sales around the 100k one far out seeds the other with its base of developers and ecosystem, the other doesn’t.
The sale starts on Friday and runs till December 1st, however don’t be shocked if it last longer. With rumors already swirling about them killing off the Playbook, buying one will be at ones own risk for both money and respect.
As of now, we don’t know any other companies who are dropping the price, however Best Buy will be watching these sales closely as to wanting to get a bunch of their hands this might be the only way to do so.
Source: Apple Insider