Two 19 year old entrepreneurs from Bellevue Washington are on their second start up already. Geekwire’s John Cook reports that when he first met them they were working on a gift card startup that was called AvantCard. The teenagers have been friends since grade school.
The friends Wesley Zhao and Ajay Mehta have started something new. Their project, FamilyLeaf, is a closed social network that is similar to Facebook but allows family members to privately share contact information, photos and updates with each other. It’s biggest competitor is the Facebook app Family Builder which was recently purchased by Intelius.
More after the break
The two teenagers have left Bellevue and their old “offices” in Mehta’s parents house for Silicon Valley. They’ve were accepted into the January Y-Combinator session. “To get the most out of the program we wanted to be close to the partners and the network of YC,” Zhao told Geekwire. This is his second tour in Silicon Valley.
On Monday they announced that all of this is paying off as some of the most well known angel investors in the Silicon Valley are supporting FamilyLeaf as part of “an arrangement with Y combinator”, geekwire reports. Andreesen Horowitz, Ron Conway’s SV Angel and Yuri Milner’s Start Fund are all part of this round. Each of the investors contributed $50,000 as part of the arrangement.
Zhao told Geekwire’s John Cook that they plan on sticking around Silicon Valley to see this project through.
source: GeekWire