We reported how on 30 March, Anonymous took down some Chinese government websites in reactions to human conditions in which Anon believe China is depriving its citizens of. One of those who “control” the @AnonymousChina tells Reuters
First we want to alert the Chinese government that we aren’t afraid, and we are going to show the truth and fight for justice
This isn’t the first time that Anonymous has gone after a government in which they believe have done wrong. This past weekend, another wing of Anonymous went after the British governments websites for actions it also did.
Yes, we are planning more attacks, a few at a time, the plan was to take down the “Great Firewall of China
F0ws3r, has been quoted as saying. China, which currently blocks all traffic to sites like Google+, Facebook and others due to the fact they claim they need to maintain what their citizens do socially in a way to control all their actions.
Fows3r was also quoted as saying,
We had 10 to 12 hackers doing the work to take down the sites, many of those where out side of China when it took place. But we did have a lot of translators as to be able to best choice whom to go after
China has had a habit of in the past carrying out their own hacks against Human Watch Groups as well as against the US claims that it was done by rogue individuals and not carried out by its government. Something the US and companies like Google has said in the past have been lies.
As of now, no time table as been mentioned for future attacks, nor targets either. However, best guess is more attacks against the Government sites will be a must.
Source: NDTV Gadgets