There’s an interesting new startup in Austin Texas. The startup, called is hoping to bring together friends, family members and others to socially play drinking games across the internet, enabling both social and video. Of course the startup is only open to those 21 and over.
Co-Founder Joe Wallen told that this idea came about because friends and family members after college sometimes want to get together for fun, adult socializing. He talked about how you could play beer pong with a buddy who may have been shipped off for the military (off duty of course), or frat brothers who’ve moved away could get together for an evening of fun and games, via the internet.
Now we’re not talking about avatars or animation we’re talking about a real video enabled platform to set up drinking games and play in remote locations.
We told you this was interesting. We spoke to Wallen a little more in-depth about it:
What is
The main product will be online gaming/social network, with an online store. This creates not only a forum for sponsors to market their products, but also to market our own line of apparel and merchandise. The targeted consumers are anyone, worldwide, who plays any of the drinking games offered on the website. We will not, however, be confined to cyberspace. The monthly and yearly tournaments can be held live, College vs. College, military branch vs. military branch, and tours are just a few of the other areas that will bring sponsors and new growth. Others are sure to follow once they see the billion dollar industry that we have created.
More after the break
Who are the founders?
Lars Larson – Military service as a M1 Tanker for 2 years; Attended Liberty University on the hockey team and employed at the University.
Joseph Wallen – Graduate of Univ. of Texas at San Antonio with a BBA degree; Entrepreneur establishing and managing several businesses from graduation to current.
Living on the West Coast and wanted to socialize and play drinking games with my family and friends on the East Coast.
2 Cameras (phone, camera, etc) hooked to your computer, log in to your account, join leagues, tournaments. Every location needs the basic setup, 2 cameras, computer. Kampfire will be Beer Pong play as well as trick shots, flip cup, king’s cup, quick dice games (also an outdoor version of Beer Pong.The website will offer several well known drinking games with basic rules streaming live for those who want to play or just watch. There will be an IM box for those watching who want to communicate with players and/or other viewers. Morecompetitive players will be able to sign up to join leagues, with several different divisions for different skill levels. Themonthly tournaments will let players compete for prizes in each division.
Live streaming platform based on the social aspect of the games. Will Instant Messaging and the ability to just watch the games and tournaments.
Currently bootstrapping, but are open for discussion at this early stage. We are in the process of raising funds.
Lauch will take place as soon as the coding and testing is completed. We are in search of a location for the launch and for personnel. There will need to be several locations, which will depend on the division of the company. IT and Technicaloffices for the handling of all things related to the website. Warehouses to handle all things related to the online store.
We will be a ground breaking, successful company that continues to grow through creative thinking and hard work. Kampfire will not only allow people to socialize with friends and family that they might be otherwise unable to connect with, but will create employment and sponsorship opportunities world wide. The main objective is to be able to bring peopletogether from all over the globe to share time socially in a way that they would if they were in the same room.Anything problem can be solved sitting around the Kampfire.
Let us know what you think about this startup idea in the comments below. We found it to be, interesting among other things. We could see where there is room for it to work.
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