Capital Connection is an event 25 years strong, puling together all facets of the private investment industry. The day and a half long conference this past week included one day of early stage, and pre-funded companies called TechBUZZ while Thursday featured many of the regions biggest growth companies.
Wednesday’s TechBUZZ event featured 28 startup companies. 26 were vetted by the TechBUZZ committee while the 28th company was selected in conjunction with Startup America. The Startup America winner was CONT3NT.
One of the best ideas that we saw on Wednesday was Vienna Virginia based Kinergy Health. Kinergy Health was founded by health tech serial entrepreneur and CEO Neil Agate and connects family members, doctors and caregivers, managing a loved ones care, in the cloud.
As someone who has spent a good deal of time in the hospital in the last two years I can tell you that the idea behind Kinergy Health’s MyKinergy product resonated with me and my loved ones when I described it to them.
If you’ve ever been to the hospital, whether your a kid, in your thirties like myself, or well into your elder years, the time between doctor visits and the miscommunication that comes with those visits can be nerve wracking for the patient and their family. Your primary care doctor gives one order while your internist or oncologist gives another, and no one seems to know when you’ll ever go home.
More after the break
Now imagine how that is handled outside of the hospital, especially when your loved ones are miles and miles apart. You can spend the good part of a day playing phone tag with each doctors office, receptionists the charge nurses and then your family members. Forget getting anything done at work because your heart and brain are somewhere else.
Those are the problems that Kinergy Health’s MyKinergy product solves. Through a HIPPA compliant cloud based tool, doctors, caregivers, patients and loved ones can all be kept up to date with the care of the patient. Specialists can coordinate with each other, while keeping the primary care doctors and the nursing staff up to date.
You don’t realize how many people are involved with someone’s care until you’re thrust into a situation where a loved one is hospitalized or put into a nursing home or treatment center.
The folks at Kinergy are hoping that they can solve that problem.
Despite the fact that Agate has launched several health tech companies, Kinergy has been out on the startup tour pitching at several events including Health 2.0 Spring Fling Matchpoint Boston Conference Launch earlier this month, and Capital Connection TechBUZZ this week.
Take a look at their TechBUZZ pitch in the video below:
Find out more about Kinergy here
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