The other TC (TechCocktail) will be holding one of their great mixer events in Chicago on June 24th as part of the TechWeek celebration.
This event takes the shape of their normal TechCocktail mixers which means plenty of networking, casual pitches and cocktails of course. You’ll be able to meet Frank Gruber and the entire TechCocktail team at the event being brought to you in part by the fine folks at Motorola Mobility.
They also have a little known soft drink company called Coca Cola sponsoring as well. Yes, us non drinkers can perpetrate a great TechCocktail fraud at the event.
If you’re a startup in the area you can apply for a demo spot here
If you’re a tech enthusiast you can get a ticket here
TechWeek badge holders will get in free but need to RSVP here
Ethics statement: We love Frank and the staff at TechCocktail for their commitment to tech and startups all over the country. We don’t do events ourselves but love to hang out at all the TechCocktail events we can, we’ll see you there.