Lately there’s been a lot of talk about Jon Oringer and his startup Shutterstock. Business Insider ran a story the other day talking about how Oringer took 100,000 photos to launch his latest startup.
With all that hard work Oringer was able to take Shutterstock public this year. It was the first New York tech company to go public in the last two years.
Shutterstock is one of many photo sharing sites that encourage folks to go out, fill up their memory cards and share until their hearts are content. With Netherlands photo sharing startup Twelfer, the idea is just the opposite.
“Just imagine that you want to shoot some photos but instead of using a memory card, able to hold more than 1200 photos, you only use one roll of film of 12 shots. We bet you’ll be more focused before shooting a photo, thus at Twelfer, we bet you’ll be more focused before showing a photo.” Edwin Janssen, co-founder of Twelfer told in an interview.
Their platform requires self curation. When DSLR cameras have made it easier than ever to shoot 1000 photos at one event, picking your 12 best is a task that’s much harder than it seems. It’s not only good for the photographer it’s good for the viewer as well.
“Do you think it’s easy to mark your absolute best photos from your good ones if you can show a couple of hundreds? If not, go to our website and show your 12 best photos. In addition, your viewers will never fall asleep again due to browsing through your portfolio endlessly.” Janssen said.
Janssen is himself a perfectionist, at least when it comes to photography. Being overly critical of his own work made it possible for him to win first place in the Photo Academy Awards (Netherlands & Belfium) and several International Photography Awards and honorable mentions.
Twelfer’s technical co-founder is Senno Kaasjager. Kaasjager has been programming since he was nine years old, starting out on a Commodore 64. When Janssen explained the idea around Twelfer “…he was immediately interested, since he also believes, that the “information age” is more and more becoming a “non-information age”, because of the lack of filtering of content that is being put online nowadays”.
While Janssen refuses to use the word lazy, moving from film to digital allows photographers to have multiple chances to get the photo right. Digital can actually help photographers get the absolute best picture, but that’s no reason to upload 50 shots of the exact same pose.
Twelfer solves two fundamental problems:
- Maintaining your focus on your absolute best photos that you want to show – instead of trying to fill up your ‘online storage’, not removing your good photos from your best photos.
- Giving a very clear focus to your viewers – instead of them browsing through your portfolio endlessly, processing large chunks of information and therefore naturally losing their focus.
They have no real secret sauce other than the fact that you can only post 12 pictures, making it more of a gallery rather than a photo sharing site. “Flickr and other photo sharing communities are more like ‘storage solutions’ instead of them being a platform for you to show your best work only. “
For more information you can sign up for early access to Twelfer here at