On November 21, 300 accredited investors will invade the Microsoft offices for the 14th bi-annual Angel Capital Expo. They will meet 12 different startups who will all be given a chance to pitch their companies.
“But, Monica,” you say, “why are telling us about an event in Mountain View? I thought Nibletz was the voice of startups everywhere else!”
We are! Which is why we’re very excited to be a media partner for the Angel Capital Expo. The event may be in the Valley, but it is produced by the Keiretsu Forum, a global network of accredited investors. The Keiretsu Forum has 1,100 members in 27 chapters that span 3 continents. By their estimates, that makes them the largest network of angel investors in the world. Their signature event, Angel Capital Expo, features startups from around the world, brought together to pitch to a room of interested investors.
The Keiretsu Forum is unique because it is not a fund. They don’t invest as an LLC, and the members are not required to put up a certain amount. Rather, the members of the Forum facilitate deal flow by sharing resources and due diligence. In other words, each individual investor makes his or her own decisions, but they do so in the support of a large community of other angels.
So, who are the lucky 12 companies who will be presenting to a room full of actual investors? Most of them are in the series A or B phase and have already secured some kind of funding. They span industries from healthcare to real estate to technology. We’ll be featuring several of those companies in the coming days here at Nibletz.
The schedule on the day of the event is intense. A full morning of pitches, followed by a short break, then more pitches. After the event, interested investors can sign up with companies to start the due diligence process.
The way I see it, the Angel Capital Expo is like your typical Investor Day, except it actually ends with real deal flow.