Flurry, a mobile metrics and advertising network, has released some very interesting data about the mobile landscape.
The rapid adoption of smartphones has correlated to a lot of predictions about human behavior, but Flurry has been able to tell a story based on data about what is really going on worldwide.
Flurry noticed that “mobile addicts” have increased and, the segment growing the fasts is very interesting. A “mobile addict” is classified as a smartphone user that checks apps 60 times or more a day, a group that has grown by 123% from 2012 from 79 million to 176 million.
Simon Khalaf, CEO of Flurry, during his keynote at Source14 stated this makes the smartphone a ‘wearable’ in regards to the phone being with us all the time like a wallet or watch.
The interesting thing is that Flurry also realized that females make up more of the mobile addicts” than males. Female and male users aged 18-24 and 35-54 have the highest concentration of “mobile addicts”.
There are plenty of more interesting statistics offered in the slides available here:
TL;DR: Things that I personally found interesting from the presentation.
Between 2012-2013 there has been a 316% growth in messaging apps. It’s creating overnight Telco companies without the cost.
Mobile commerce grew 60% in the US from $20.5mil in 2012 to $33mil in 2013.
Mobile travel and logistics revenue grew at 168% from 2011 to 2013.
Mobile has absorbed all users in social platforms. Example is 98% for Instagram.
Paid audio streaming hit $1 billion in revenue. Mobile has disrupted it’s own industry. Instead of downloading music to put on our phones like the past, we are now paying to stream it.
The web is definitely alive, but apps have taken control. The browser inside Facebook app is the most used browser.
China has 330mil unique active devices each month. The United States has 285mil. The US is losing its lead in software development. It is now 34% in the US and 66% for the rest of the world. Last year 0% of the time spent in apps made by China in the UK, now it is 16%.
Mobile has become addictive. People that launch apps more than 60 times a day are:
8% more female
18-24 and 35-54 (age) are the highest groups of addicts
Sports fans, gamers, parenting & education , and moms are the typical female “mobile addicts”.
Mobile gaming is only 14% of the total gaming market. Console is still king at 47%.
There are plenty of more interesting statistics offered in the slides available here: