When you run a small business, you will be able to take it in the exact direction you want. That’s the benefit of not having any shareholders. You alone are the sole decision maker. But being in complete control can often make you blinkered, and you can lose track about all your business needs. It’s crucial that this doesn’t happen to you.
One way it’s easy to forget about things is if you are too busy. When you are busy, you forget to notice if anything is lacking in your company. To help you out, we’ve come up with this handy list of five things every small business needs.
Credit Card Machines
No one depends on cash nowadays thanks to the development of credit card technology. In the past, credit cards were only ever used for large, important purchases, but today we can use them even if we are simply buying a coffee. If your business has customers coming in everyday to buy things, make things convenient for them by installing card equipment. Every customer will expect you to take cards. Not having the right device could put people off buying your products or using your services. Don’t have one? Buy a credit card machine for a small business right now.
Social Media Marketing
Don’t forget to keep your company up to date with all the latest IT trends and technologies. Social media marketing is booming at the minute and isn’t showing any sign of slowing down anytime soon. If you are on all the usual social media platforms, you will be opening up your company to a much larger audience. When people interact with you on the likes of Twitter and Facebook, your posts will be spread further. Hopefully, you will go viral so a huge audience will see your content. So, don’t forget to update your content regularly!
Customer Relationship Management
In this day and age, people are extremely likely to voice any complaints they may have online on social media. It is crucial not to ignore these. If you have the money and space, hire a CRM team to manage your business’s reputation. Small businesses are unlikely to have employees dedicated to CRM though. One solution is to get your marketing team to keep an eye on any negative interactions with social media users. Whatever happens, don’t delete negative reviews or comments. This will look like you are trying to cover something up!
Effective Cybersecurity
Very important in the modern world! Make sure all your computers, software and online accounts are thoroughly protected from hackers and online crime. You may think you may not be targeted as you’re just a small company, but there are lots of fraudsters out there trying to make as much free cash as possible! Every couple of months update your antivirus software to ensure it is the latest version. Whenever you create an online account, you need a strong password. Think of a really obscure one that includes letters, numbers and special symbols. This makes them harder to crack!
When you can tick off everything on this list, you’ll know your small business is ready to go to the next level!