It’s easy to become bogged down with all the information and rhetoric on how to convert visitors to your site into people that buy from you. There is a lot of advice out there, and in typical marketing form, it’s all seems like you need to be an expert in the science of sales. However, in reality, great success can be achieved with the application of a few simple principles. In fact, converting site visits into sales isn’t rocket science at all. Read on for more information.
Free downloads
The first thing to do is to offer something on your website that no one else does. A popular way to do this is by giving site visitors access to a free download. This could be in the form of a pdf document showing how to solve a particular problem like how to wash your windows without streaks, or how to create a particular item like a bird house. Obviously, the information needs to be relevant to the field in which you are working. If it can involve demonstrating the benefits and uses of one of your products that is even better. Just remember to not make this too obvious as it could out potential customers off.
You don’t have to just offer document downloads either, it could be in a more interactive form as well. Such as an audio track, podcast, or video. Actually, the more entertaining and interactive the better. As this is likely to encourage visits, as well as stick in people’s mind the longest, and that is what you are trying to do with this strategy, forge a positive bond between you and potential customers. Making them much more likely to visit your site and buy from you than your competitors.
Data collecting
Something else you can do to convert those site visits into sales is to use a service like Visual Visitor. You can find out how visual visitor can help you increase leads in detail by clicking the link, but in summary, it captures the data of all site visitors. Allowing you to store this and then use them as leads later on.
After all, if they have viewed your site, they are likely to be more interested in your products. Making them a warm lead and much easier to convert.
Urgent messages
You can also use the old call to action strategy to help convert site visits into sales, you can see a good example of this here. Although, do be aware that most customers are aware, to a certain extent of this method. That means they may well recognize language calling on them to make a purchase.
Although you can be more sophisticated with your approach and use strategies like timed vouchers for free items. As well as coupons for money off, if the customer chooses to purchase now today, or before a certain date. What these do is to provide the potential customer with an incentive to make the purchase of the item they are considering, now, rather than later. As they will be getting a better deal for their money, on something that they may well be looking to buy anyway.