In a Keynote at the 2011 Google’s then CEO, Eric Schmidt described an experience where integrated mobile technology into commerce would mean you could walk down the street, close to your favorite clothing store and have a new pair of pants pulled off the shelves, bagged for you and waiting when you got to the store. This kind of technology is what ex-Googler Sam Liang is working on with his new start up Alohar Mobile.
Liang described the technology he and his co-founders are working on as “Siri after Siri” in a recent interview with Forbes’ magazines resident start up and entrepreneur guru Ryan Mac in an interview.
Liang has described scenarios like this one, you wake up one morning with a head cold, you miss your usual drive time and you haven’t found your way to the office. After confirming with your calendar that you didn’t have any other appointment in the place of work, your phone automatically makes an appointment at the doctor for you. This is the kind of smart computing that phones will be able to do with a technology Liang dubs as “persistent sensing”.
More after the break
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