Google Doodle Helps Inform People About SOPA On Blackout Day

January 18th is SOPA Blackout day. Websites around the country are “blacking out” in protest and to spread the word about the Software Online Piracy Act otherwise known as SOPA.

Reports on Tuesday mentioned that SOPA was most likely going to be held up in Congress however websites like XDA and Reddit said they were still going forward with plans to black out to encourage people to do something about SOPA.

XDA is hoping that people will contact their congressman by email or phone to let them know that they don’t support SOPA.

While it would be impractical to think that Google could go black and stop operating their search engine for a day in support of the anti-SOPA movement, they have posted the Google Doodle above with an information link below the search bar.

Over the years Google has been a bit wishy-washy in their dealings with issues of online piracy. While they don’t hold back search results from search engines for torrentz and other online download sites, they did block Grooveshark from the Android Market despite the fact that Grooveshark has a clear policy about digital rights.

Nevertheless the Google Doodle will help spread the word about SOPA to the millions of folks who do a Google search today.


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