Anyone looking to make some extra cash but not yet ready to take a head-on dive into the world of becoming a full-time entrepreneur can still have a go at making a bit of extra money. In fact, many of these businesses will run almost effortlessly in the background whilst you are at work and before long, who knows? You could be transitioning to full time at your online business and kissing your boss goodbye. Here is just a sampling of the many things you can do online to make that much needed extra cash.
1. Blogging / Content Writer
Every website you land on probably has a paid blogger or copywriter doing the content you see on that site. Few website owners have the ability or willingness to sit there writing their own content and so they hire professional writers proficient in SEO to write for them. Pay is usually on a per word basis and if images or graphics need to be added there is typically an extra charge for that.
2. Virtual Digital Assistant
So many professionals have too little time to do all the tasks that are required of them daily. A virtual digital assistant is basically someone who reads emails for their clients and then responds accordingly or forwards on the ones that are more personal in nature or when a clear-cut answer isn’t available.
3. Web Host Reseller
No longer is it necessary to have huge amounts of equipment to sell web hosting services because you can be a web hosting reseller. This is an amazing opportunity for a start-up in the UK because companies like www.bestwebhosting.co.uk sell services at low prices and you have the opportunity to buy hosting at what amounts to wholesale cost. Then, when reselling you make a small profit off each sale and residual earnings as your customers continue to use the web hosting provider. You can mesh this with point four if this is an area you are interested in.
4. Website Development
If you have ever played around with WordPress, Joomla or Drupal, you might have found that you actually can build a website with little or no effort. In fact, the more Content Management Systems you are acquainted with, the easier it will be for you find a job building websites for others. Most commercial sites require a web development company with all the bells and whistles but small companies and individuals are happy to pay those familiar with website development to help them choose a theme, customise elements within the theme and then upload content to have it go live.
5. Affiliate Marketer
Have you ever checked into the world of affiliate marketing? This is a sort of MLM that is totally legal and quite easy to do online. Simply register with a company or another affiliate marketer, place ads, products or links on your site and before you know it you will be bringing in a residual income.
6. Editing and Proofreading
Are you proficient in the English language? If so, editing and proofreading for others may be a great way to make some extra money. Some businesses are extremely savvy when it comes to selling products and services but lack the skills to properly write the content for their site. As well, there are a number of copywriting companies out there that need the services of an editor or proof-reader before submitting content to their clients. This isn’t a start-up where you’ll get rich quickly but as you build up clientele you can amass a certain amount of cash you wouldn’t have otherwise had.
7. Social Media Pro
Then there are those companies and business professionals who simply don’t have the time to sit and Tweet all hours of the day. As a social media pro you can tweet and post on Facebook to your heart’s delight for your clients and actually make money doing it!
So, you see, there are ways to start up an online business with little to no capital outlay. You can take it as far as you want to go with extra effort, but if it’s just a bit of extra cash you need, this is the fastest way to do it.