5 Essentials Every Productive Startup Office Needs


So your new startup is doing extremely well, and all your employees are super happy with their jobs. That’s all the hard work done, right Well, no, not really. You still need to work on increasing your productivity and staff satisfaction throughout the life of your company. One quick way to do this is to make sure your office has some essential items. These will help your employees do their jobs effectively. There are also some items that are thoughtful little extras! Here are five essential items that every productive startup needs.

Reception Desk

This is one item that many offices forgo in their first few months. However, as soon as you can afford a receptionist, you should get one. You’ll be able to find lots of affordable reception desks online. There are many benefits of having a receptionist. He or she will be able to answer all phone calls and direct them to the right person. The receptionist can also offer a warm welcome to any guests.

Effective Online Security

You will no doubt have lots of computers and online software no matter what type of business you are. It is super important that you have all the latest online security for your tech. Otherwise, your data and online information will be at risk from hackers and viruses. If a hacker gets into your system, you could lose valuable information. Online security also protects your employees while they browse the internet at work.

A Water Cooler

Every office needs a water cooler! You’ll always see one in the fictional offices portrayed in movies and TV shows. They are the place where employees go to for a quick break and a gossip. They aren’t just there for social reasons, though. They can help keep all your staff hydrated and refreshed throughout the day. That’ll help increase their concentration and boost their productivity!

Filing Cabinets

Today, so many documents and contracts are stored online. However, you must remember to have hard paper copies of each as well. To make sure all your paper documents are kept safe and secure, keep them in a lockable filing cabinet. This way, even if your office is burgled, all your important paperwork is kept safe from prying eyes. You don’t need to give each member of staff a key to each filing cabinet. They only need to be able to access the ones with papers related to their work. If you give out too many keys, you increase the risk of papers being lost or stolen.

Breakout Room Items

Many modern companies are reinventing their staff’s breaks by creating breakout rooms. These cool spaces have more than just sofas and a few magazines. They are usually kitted out with awesome games like pool tables and table football. Add a couple of vending machines filled with snacks and drinks too. Breakout rooms are great as they allow employees to really recharge their batteries before getting back to work.

So what are you waiting for? Time for a shopping trip for new office items!


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