Toxic Employees You Never Want To Hire


Provided you had at least a couple of jobs before you started your business, I’m sure you’ve had experiences with people who weren’t exactly the biggest assets to the company. As co-workers, they’re simply annoying. As your own employees, these people are toxic to your livelihood, and need to be dealt with! In this post, we’ll look at a few different types of toxic employees, and the best ways to deal with them…


This is probably the most immediately obvious type of toxic employee a business can have, and one too many can drive a promising start-up right into the ground. These are the people who will constantly find ways to duck out of work, and will have no problem watching others having to pick up the slack. What makes things worse is that a lot of them are experts at disguising themselves as hard workers! Slackers are a massive drain on their co-workers’ time, enthusiasm and energy, so don’t let their behavior slide. Try to figure out if there’s any secret resentments that they have for the company, and deal with these where you can. Provide clear, measurable targets, recognize the effort they do put in, and be a little more stern with their reviews.


An estimated 4% of people show sociopathic traits, and if any employees harbor these it can have a serious negative impact on the business as a whole. These people will poison the whole office environment with their behavior, and leave a trail of discord and damage wherever they go. If they’re given the opportunity, many will try to extort or manipulate the business for their own gain, pushing their employer to find a corporate PI or take aggressive legal action. If you notice any employees who demonstrate dominant, bullying behavior, a constant disregard for business protocol, interpersonal issues, and a subtle contempt for authority, I recommend keeping a close eye on them. Make sure you’re enforcing strict anti bullying policies at your business, taking all employee complaints seriously, and going out of your way to make your company’s working environment as safe and supportive as possible. Sociopathic employees are often toxic, but can usually be kept under wraps.


These are the polar opposite of slackers, which may sound great on the surface. However, employees that have no end to their work ethic, and insist on taking on as many responsibilities as possible, can cause a range of issues. Martyrs may be hard working, but many of them need everyone else to recognize what they’re sacrificing for the job. Their control issues can seriously undermine the confidence of their co-workers, and cause major issues when it comes to anything involving teamwork. Furthermore, a lot of them will come into work even when they’re way too sick for it, spreading illness around the office. If you’ve been fostering something of a competitive attitude in the workplace, consider toning this down, and encouraging more collaboration. You should also talk to any martyrs and ask them directly to delegate more of their work.


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