NIbletz Says Thanks! There’s Still A Little Time

Thank you first off for being readers of the “voice of startups everywhere else”. If our rapid increase in traffic on our website and social media channels are any indication, it seems we’re doing a good, or at least decent job.

We wanted to also say thank you to all of those people who contributed to our indiegogo campaign for phase Deux of our sneaker strapped nationwide startup road trip. We’ve committed ourselves to staying on the road 75% of every month through September 2013. During this time we’re going to be visiting startup focused events, startup weekends, hackathons, incubators, accelerators, startup offices and everywhere else we can pick up the vibe and report on the growing ecosystem of startups “everywhere else”

Before we get too long winded here is the link to our indiegogo page, the video is great our good friend Sean, voice to hundreds of radio and tv stations voiced it (as he does all of our videos) and it’s great. Please check out the video, donate $2 (or more) and share it across social media. The campaign ends at midnight tonight (Eastern time) here’s the link again

About “everywhere else”

We launched last Spring (2011) We were invited to cover TechCrunch Disrupt in New York for our other site and we became so mesmerized by everything there, and all of the passionate startup founders that we created a site to offload those posts off our mobile focused web brand.

We also took on the tag line “small crunchy bytes from the tech and startup scene”. We had a business plan that included becoming a compliment in capsulated form to TechCrunch (hence the crunch and the bytes), we took to Twitter and it was determined in a landslide that “Nibletz” were small crunchy bytes.

Well like every trying, startup we pivoted. We began to notice that startups “everywhere else” weren’t getting the coverage they needed and deserved.  We launched the “everywhere else” concept at the new year and ran wild with it at South By Southwest. The response thus far has been phenomenal.

With our media backgrounds we’ve been involved in the tech scene and even researching and scoping startups for a number of years, but we took the blinders off to the rest of the country and WOW is the word that comes to mind.

Let it be known that we have nothing against the valley. San Francisco is an awesome place to visit, the valley is a tech geeks heaven as far as vacations go. Yes our founders have all ridden the bikes on the Google campus, dined at Facebook and even tweeted from Twitter. We’ve got great friends in the Valley and silent advisors who would probably shock some of our readers.

The startups “everywhere else” are like an elephant in the room. Everyone knows that we’re out there but no one is giving them coverage, not like this.

Cameron ran some great statistics this week and we found out that since January we’ve featured over 375 startups from “everywhere else” and the momentum, amount of content and features just increases month over month.

That’s all because of you.

Whether you’re in Boise Idaho, Memphis TN, Florida, Arizona or any of our great 50 states, or London, Israel and even a few countries we’ve never heard of, we’ve got your back. We’ve never purposely turned down any startup who pitches us for coverage at unless of course you’re in the not “everywhere else” part.

We’ve got some really exciting things coming up in the next month or two including a really cool interactive that will help startups like yourselves, and us, crowd source the startup “everywhere else” community to help with their dilemmas, so keep an eye out for that.

We’ve started forging great friendships across the country and around the world and we thank you for that and your  support.

We wanted to say thanks to everyone who donated anything on indiegogo from $2 on up.  We actually received a donation Thursday that asked to remain anonymous of $1000 you know who you are and we thank you so much.

We also wanted to thank those of you who couldn’t donate but donated your time and your social media space by tweeting about us. We’re a startup ourselves, it’s hard. I could tell you the story about getting coins out of the couch, the seats in the car and off the washing machine to give my daughter $10 for a field trip, it’s real we know it.

Which is actually the reason that we’ve turned down to angel investors and plan to continue to not seek traditional angel and venture funding. We want to stay true to our core of everywhere else and we want to keep our ethics inline as journalists.  That’s why crowd funding is so important for us.

We also wanted to point out that there are three other sites that we really like (and there in no particular order) that also cover startups outside of the traditional cities and they are, , TechCocktail and Beatabeat. So please add them to your readers as well if they’re not already there.

Again thank you so much for reading, contributing and helping out nibletz, the voice of startups “Everywhere Else”


Our indiegogo campaign

Email us your pitches for coverage here

Email us tips here

And watch the video below:

StartupBus Kick-Off Party July 8th in San Fran

What do you get when you add some beer, a bus, a bunch of hackers, pizza, coffee, Mountain Dew and ideas?  The Start Up Bus, why that’s what!

The StartupBus is the brain child of Elias Bizannes who thought if you throw a bunch of entrepreneurial minded hackers into a moving bus they could come up with excellence, and they have.  The start up bus started in 2010 as a half baked idea by Bizannes to take a bus full of likeminded individuals from the bay area to sxsw to launch their start ups.  Well apparently this idea caught on and people began to blog about it. This left Bizannes having to find a bus and actually do the trip.

Fast forward to 2011 and this time he had multiple buses from across the country all leave just before SXSW and launch their ideas at SXSW. The catch though, whatever was launched had to have been created on the bus.  The busriders formed teams after deciding on the project.  Some members would code the back end, some would code the front end. Other team members would jump on the phone with their colleagues, investors, friends and potential users to drum up excitement.

Sleep is evidently not an option. This is the mother of all hackathons on wheels.

Tomorrow StartupBus is launching the next phase of the start up bus at it’s new headquarters, the start up house.  If you’re in the bay area and a start up minded individual you can bet that the Start Up bus launch party will be worth checking out.  StartupBus has some very exciting news they will be sharing on site tomorrow night. If you can’t make it to the event check here Saturday morning!

Want to sign up email: