Iron Yard Demo Day Preview: Greenville Startup Spent

Iron Yard Labs is a 13 week accelerator program in Greenville South Carolina. It’s part of the Global Accelerator Network which was founded by Boulder Colorado based TechStars. The Global Accelerator Network affiliation gives the startup teams participating in the Iron Yard Labs session access to top shelf business benefits like free hosting, legal services,

Interview With Pennsylvania Startup VerbalizeIt: 2012 Techstars Grads

Ryan Frankel and Kunal Sarda, the two co-founders of Pennsylvania startup VerbalizeIt have been in Boulder Colorado as part of the most recent TechStars class. Their startup is a powerful translation platform that enables you to get connected to a powerful team of translators from your phone, skype or a web browser for real time

Denver Startup: Full Contact Gives Employees $7500 For Paid Vacation,Vacation

Could you go completely off the grid and really enjoy vacation time with your friends and family? When we say off the grid we mean off the grid, no checking work emails, taking work phone calls, checking in on work gossip, no VPNing into your work network? If you said yes, you might want to

St Louis Start Up Spotlight: Now Anyone Can Invest In A Movie

Are you old enough to remember the days of, before 9/11 it was the place to go to invest virtual money into real life actors, actresses and movie projects, called the Hollywood Stock Exchange. Now this wasn’t real you weren’t really investing money in a movie it was more of a game, kind of