Spanish Startup: ChattyBuy Is Turning Tweets Into Cash INTERVIEW

Back in April we reported on a Portland startup called Chippify that is enabling people to send money using Twitter. Using their service, sending a payment is as easy as replying to a tweet.

On the other side of the Twitter payment spectrum is ChattyBuy who is turning people’s tweets into cash, well at least legitimate discounts saving you cash.  ChattyBuy is based in Alicante Spain, where they’ve already partnered with merchants and social media mavens to create a platform that, in some capacity pays you to Tweet, in discounts.

We got a chance to interview Alex Aitkenhead the co-founder and CEO of ChattyBuy about his unique new startup.

What is Chattybuy?
Chattybuy is a social network that turns communication into savings.
How? By rewarding users with discount points for chatting, sending “tweets” and
following businesses that they exchange for the coupons they want!
Who are the founders & what are their backgrounds?
Alex Aitkenhead    Founder & CEO
Founder of an e-coupon directory in Spain.
Silvia Sanchez    Co-founder
Working as sales representative for large multinationals
Alex Fernandez   Communication
Recently graduated from university qualified in grafic design and communication.
Where are you based?
Chattybuy is a startup based in Alicante, Spain. The founder is Scottish but has lived in Spain for over 19 years.
What problem is Chattybuy solving?
More than solve a problem it’s about creating a new solution. No Social network wards users for chatting, why not be the first? Cash back sites are complex and you have to buy, in chattybuy WE reward you for using us to communicate and YOU decide where to exchange your points!
What is your secret sauce/competitive edge?
Our secret sauce is the simplicity of the product. We have turned online communication into something extra, helping user save money doing what the do most, chat, send tweets and use coupons!
What is the startup culture like in your town?
Unfortunately the startup culture in our town in non existing, in Spain most startups como from Barcelona, Madrid or Valencia. This is especially so when we are looking at technology startups.
What is one challenge you’ve overcome in the startup process?
The main challenge was being able to produce a fully functional beta version with such a limited budget and no external investors, they are really lacking in Spain it’s always the same 4-5 people.
What is next for Chatty Buy?
The next step for chattybuy is crowd funding to help create our mobile apps and improve systems. We want the public to decide if they think chattybuy is a great concept and reward them for backing us up from just $1.
We also want to setup chattybuy as a business in NYC or London ideal cities to grow as a company and hire the best.
Hit the links:
For more on Chattybuy find them here at
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