New Mobile Healthcare Start Up Gets $7.5 Million In Funding For Doctor Video Replays

Have you ever gone to a doctor’s appointment, and after waiting an hour in their waiting room and spending 8 minutes in the doctor’s care, gotten home just to forget what the doctor ordered? Well apparently this happens to a lot of people. That is the fundamental idea behind a new mobile healthcare start up called Jiff.

Jiff allows doctors to make quick video presentations based on recommendations with voice, video, charts, drawings and more. These video replays can be stockpiled for typical diagnosis or customized based on the doctors and patients needs. Than, the HIPPA compliant app can send the videos to the patient’s email address so they can review it later, over and over again.

Jiff hopes to solve the problem of follow up phone calls because the patient couldn’t recall the conversation, freeing up doctor’s time for follow up phone calls with further problems and complications and other ways of assisting patients.

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