Meet OneSpark Creator: OneForte A Knowledge Market Place [video][onespark]

OneForte,OneSpark,startup,startup interviewKnowledge and learning are big markets in the startup space. One Forte, is a Jacksonville based startup, that’s a market place for knowledge. OneForte

Using One Forte’s platform anyone can sign up and say what their skills are. Skills can be anything from guitar playing to tax accounting and anything in between. After a person adds themselves to the One Forte platform and lists what they have knowledge in  they can offer online classes via video chats.

The “teachers” or “knowledge providers” can set their rate for how much a 1:1 session is going to cost, or they could decide to do it pro-bono and not charge anything at all.

One Forte makes the entire process easy by allowing knowledge providers to have profiles, and users to search for the skills they’re looking for. Once  the two hook up One Forte provides an easy way to handle the billing and takes a small percentage of the fee that the teacher sets.

This scalable platform is going global out of the gate, hoping that a cook in London could provide lessons to someone who wants to learn about cooking in Boise Idaho. All of the lessons are done online through a video platform that’s also administered by One Forte.

Check out our interview with Gary below and for more info visit

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