As the Rawporter Roadshow continues we got a few minutes to sit down with serial entrepreneur Ric Fleisher about his latest startup Fleisher has had several successful exits and is proudly working on his current startup that came about out of necessity.
Fleisher found that as more and more location based service startups came out they were all focusing on what they believe people want. is a new kind of location based app that focuses on what people need.
As the story goes it was a Friday evening and Fleisher had just finished doing the dishes. Before he went to bed he set the dishwasher to run overnight. He was awakened Saturday morning by his son that told him there was water in the kitchen. Fleisher got dressed and went downstairs expecting to find a puddle of water. Instead he found that his entire kitchen and surrounding areas in his home had been completely flooded by a dishwasher that was still spewing water.
More (including video) after the break
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