As we made our way into Techweek 2012 on Saturday we started checking Twitter. In going over TechWeek tweets we discovered that not only was there a hashtag for TechWeek (#techweekchi) but there was also a hash tag for the bathrooms at TechWeek… Who does that?
The hashtag for the TechWeek bathrooms is #TWBR and it’s a promotion being put on by the TechWeek staff in conjunction with startup ReviewTrackers.
ReviewTrackers does exactly what their name says they do. They track reviews on sites like Yelp, Travelocity and others and “clip” them and then send them back to their clientele.
ReviewTrackers is targeting businesses with multiple locations. Now some businesses may believe that they can handle this on their own, well it turns out you can’t, and especially not as efficiently as ReviewTrackers can.
ReviewTrackers found that a one-star review on Yelp can cost a business about 9% in sales. That’s something you want to be watching 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. With ReviewTrackers you can, and you still have time for family, golf and working (well maybe).
We took a break from the show floor to hear more about ReviewTrackers, their service and the bathrooms with CEO Chris Campbell. Campbell got to share with us the good news that they are headed to Chile for the Startup Chile incubator and they already have a user base including some big enterprise companies.
Check out the video below:
Check out ReviewTrackers at their website
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