“Nice Shirt, Bro!” Best Practices For Startup T-Shirts

GiveForward's Ethan Austin & the "Giveasaurus" at EE Cincinnati

GiveForward’s Ethan Austin & the “Giveasaurus” at EE Cincinnati


Maybe, at a recent event, you found yourself gawking at startup teams who came dressed for the event wearing their company’s swag and thought, “That’s awesome! How do I get shirts for my startup?”

We boot-strappers know that every penny needs to be carefully spent and maxing out our credit card ordering t-shirts just doesn’t make sense. We also understand that our shirts need to be just right to convey our brand message while looking cool. And believe it or not, there is a certain unspoken standard you should abide by.

From experience with my startup, I have devised these four easy tips to make a great startup t-shirt.

1.     STAND OUT – Pick a style and color that will get you noticed. Hopefully you already chose a bright color for your brand that will easily translate into shirt form. If not, pick a close color or iterate your logo/image to work with the shirt color. Thankfully, with BTSocial, we used organge as our main color which really stands out at events. Not to step on any toes, but blue is way overdone. The biggest tech companies all have blue in the brand sceme. Be bold and different. I think yellow looks really nice this time of year.

2.     KEEP IT SIMPLE – We’re not talking about printing a whimsical graphic T or some amazing rendering from Threadless. You just need a simple and clear representation of your brand that people can understand. Ideally, it would be good to translate your logo to solid white and print it on your bright colored shirt. Not only is this easy on the eyes, but also saves you on multi-color printing costs. The folks at SpotHero are all about this. Your design should also be easy to read and not too wordy. Your logo and call to action are good, but don’t overdo it with a long tagline in a small font that’s too hard to read, requiring us to practically bury our face in your chest. Awkward.

3.     USE THE BACK – Your shirt has a lot of real estate and while it shouldn’t be overused, it also shouldn’t be wasted. Many companies also do back printing, so add something to the back across the shoulder blades so that even when your back is turned you’re showing off your brand. With our BTSocial shirts, we put our website address on the back. It’s also fun to turn around and show people the back in conversation.

4.     COORDINATE YOUR TEAM – When you’re heading to an event with your startup, whether you’re pitching or not, have everyone wear their shirt – its obviously a great way to get noticed. Now, not all events are suitable for your shirts. Some are formal and require a tie, so throwing a sport coat over your t-shirt to make a Silicon Valley Tuxedo is not always acceptable. Look at your industry for best practices. Also, if you are going to a lot of events and wearing your shirts frequently, make sure they are clean. This should really go unsaid, but don’t wear the same exact shirt in the sweaty summer heat to TechWeek. People will notice those pit stains!

Tim Hines is an entrepreneur, consultant, and speaker based in the Chicago area. Follow him @tnhines.

A version of this post first appeared on Tim’s blog.

4 Reasons Choosing Startup Life Over College Is Totally Worth It

Startup Life, Startup tips, YEC, Alex Schiff, Fetch NotesIn 2011, I wrote a post called “Why I Didn’t Get A Real Job” that got a lot of attention. Admittedly, it was a childish reaction to a relative’s assertion that I needed to go get a “real job.” After a few months of full-time entrepreneurship that same summer, I thought I was finally experiencing the startup life. Twenty-four-hour hackathons, no set hours, no boss — “Oh yeah!” I’d say, “let’s disrupt stuff!”

Okay, maybe I wasn’t quite the walking stereotype of Sh*t Entrepreneurs Say, but you get the point.

In April 2012, however, I sat at a crossroads: continue to just scrape by or go all in on my startup Fetchnotes. After a lot of internal struggle, five of us decided to leave the University of Michigan, and our journey eventually led us to TechStars Boston’s Fall 2012 class. With that decision 9 months in the rear view mirror, I’ve had some time to reflect on what really happens when you leave school to start a company.

1. Most people will never quite get you or what you’re doing.

When I talk to people about what I’m doing, I usually get one of these responses:

  • “So, are you, like, the next Mark Zuckerberg or something?”
  • “So is TechStars, like, paying you to work on Fetchnotes for them?”
  • “How long do you plan to do this before you get a real job?”
  • “How long until you go back to Michigan?” (As if it’s some sort of semester abroad program.)

The fact of the matter is, no one understands until they’ve been in the trenches. And that’s okay. It’s actually part of what I like about not being in Silicon Valley. Even in Boston, with its thriving entrepreneurial communities, most people I meet think what I’m doing is interesting. Maybe it’s an ego thing, but it provides a small dose of happiness every day.

2. All time is not created equal.

As you shed your other non-entrepreneurial responsibilities (like class), each individual unit of your time becomes more valuable.

You’d think it would be the opposite — when you have less time to give each hour is more precious, and there are diminishing marginal returns on your productivity. But in practice, when you have no other distractions, you actually become more productive.

As we dedicated more time and intensity to our specialties, this could be seen across all functions of the business. I became a more effective hustler. Our engineers became more efficient coders. The chemistry that evolves from a small team marching together all day, every day, in lockstep toward the same vision holds incalculable value.

3. Emotions are magnified — both the good and the bad.

Inevitably, there will be some crisis that rocks your foundation so greatly that you don’t know how to respond — and entrepreneurs are such good salesmen that most people have no idea there’s anything wrong. With no finals or homework to distract us, we walk around with a smile masking the internal disposition of a zombie. No one likes to admit it, but we tend to be emotionally unavailable to the outside world when it comes to problems in our startups. Just like parents, we never want to hear that our baby is anything but a darling prodigy.

But then, there will be days of pure, unmitigated ecstasy. You get two large investor commits in the same day. You get introduced to people who basically invented the Internet as we know it. You have two-hour whiteboard sessions with people whose theories you’ve been studying from afar. The press raves about your new release. You scream “YES!” and high-five anyone in your vicinity without explanation. You dance in place.

These are the moments that turn the Startup Bug into Serial Entrepreneur’s Disease.

4. The journey will be worth it in more ways than you can imagine.

Many more qualified people than I have espoused the virtues of starting a company over pursuing a traditional university education. But what makes it worthwhile are all the little things that mean so much more because you’re experiencing a level of career satisfaction most people must wait years for, if they ever achieve it at all.

It’s John-the-building-security-guard finally remembering your name and no longer making you sign in after three months of seeing you every single day. It’s finding out how many other people in your network have started using your product without you saying a word. It’s regularly enjoying team dinners and signing the check.

And then, one day, you look around at that very table of team members and notice that, for once, no one is talking about work. We’re reminiscing about a crazy adventure from the night before, or planning a concert for next weekend, or poking fun at each other’s dating lives. For the first time, you grasp the fact that the bonds you’ve forged would not have been so tight had you not convinced your team to take a bet on you, and more importantly, on themselves.

It’s the moment you realize that what makes you unique isn’t the pursuit of success, wealth or power. It’s that your mission in life is about the pursuit itself, rather than what you’re pursuing.

Alex Schiff is the founder and chief executive officer of Fetchnotes, which makes productivity as simple as a tweet. Prior to Fetchnotes, Alex was the vice president of Benzinga and a student at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.

The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, the YEC recently launched #StartupLab, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses via live video chats, an expert content library and email lessons.


Startup Tips: How To Know When To Move On

When it's time to move on, startups, starting up, startup life, Startup Tips, YEC, Guest Post

So, you know when you know. That is, you know when it’s time to move on to better things for your business, whether that means finding a stronger vendor, hiring a new employee (and letting go of the old one), or even firing a client (gulp!).

But often we hang on far too long out of fear, worry, and plain old procrastination. Today, I’ve got your back. Because there are three terrible reasons to avoid change and two great ones that you need to remember when it’s time to let go.

Excuse #1: “I don’t want to hurt someone.”

I get it – I’ve separated from five different assistants in various capacities over the life of my business and it’s hard to do every single time. You worry that you’re saying “you’re not good enough” or “I don’t like you anymore” to the people who have put time and energy to your business for months or even years.

It’s worse if the team members, vendors or clients have become friends in that timeframe (which they very well can be if you actually like your clients and colleagues!). You’re worried that this sends a message that you’re somehow above them, too big for your britches, or maybe you’re worried that you’ll been seen as having impossible standards.

Emotions aside, this is a business decision and the only one you should be concerned about hurting is your business. Because your business is the client here – it has needs and you’re the caretaker. If something or someone isn’t serving the business anymore it’s time to make a change. Period. How that makes them feel or the guilt you take on is a moot point because your business needs to come first.

Acknowledge those fears, but don’t let them hold you back.

Excuse #2: “Maybe it’ll get better.”

If you really believed that then you wouldn’t be entertaining the thought of making a change. Quite often the problems have been growing for months, slowly driving you crazy until you just know that it’s time for a change.

I get it. You don’t want to be a perfectionist entrepreneur that no one can get along with and who goes through assistants faster than the devil who wears Prada.

The compromise is a test. You simply state what you need — “Please give confirmation you’re working on this project” or “Please invoice me this week so I know how much time you’ve put in” — and if the other person does not reply within three days, you know it’s time to move on.

Maybe you’ve read “When do you know it’s time to fire?” and you’re wondering if you’re actually going to fire someone over not responding to an email. These small tests are just confirmation that the problem exists. You don’t need to explain why you came to this decision.

Listen: the reasons that you end an agreement are your own. Simply state that the relationship has ended and move on. You don’t need to give a reason, explanation or justification for your decision. See above: the only thing to be concerned about is the health of the business.

Excuse #3: “I don’t want to get bad-mouthed.”

Here’s the thing that mature adults recognize: there are two or more sides to every story. If a client relationship ends or an assistant leaves, it doesn’t mean that someone is at fault, wrong or even bad at their job. It means that needs change, availability shifts, and not everyone meshes.

Imagine if we felt this way about personal relationships: “What do you mean you’re not still friends with those kids from kindergarten? What are you, defective?” or “Since you didn’t marry the first person you ever dated clearly you’re unreliable and not trustworthy.”

People change, needs change and businesses grow – no one has to be ‘at fault’ when a relationship ends.

I know it’s a very real fear that the person who has your Twitter ID, Facebook page profile and platform is going to stand up and shout out how horrible you were. So instead of firing by avoidance or just ending the contract without a conversation (this goes both ways too), actually have a conversation. Thank the other person or agency for their support and share your decision to move on without inviting a negotiation, debate or argument.

Most of the time, both parties will understand it’s for the best.

Okay — are your excuses for not moving on out of the way yet? Because there are two great reasons why you need to let go:

Reason #1: You can’t go higher if you don’t let go.

Imagine a trapeze artist who just keeps swinging and swinging, never to make the leap to the next bar.

Is it scary? Yep. It is necessary? Yep.

In the very basic sense, you can’t fully commit to a new team member when an old one is still hanging around, not doing their job well. While there may be a little overlap, you need to let go of the people and practices that are keeping you from reaching where you want to go.

Reason #2: Your business is a unit and weak links will break the whole.

In college, I was on a large debate squad that had 20-30 teams producing evidence. If just one team didn’t complete their assignment, the whole squad was weaker. If the quality wasn’t there, then we were all going to fail. We worked together and mentored the younger students, knowing that we could only be as strong as the weakest link.

Your business operates the same way.

If the copywriter doesn’t show up, then your campaign is going to suffer. When the technical VA doesn’t check all the links, sales will suffer. When you don’t show up fully prepared because you’re frustrated or distracted, then the content isn’t as good as it could be. At every turn, you have the ability to turn your business into a well-oiled machine, with working systems and caring team members who are there to serve the client. Weaknesses can’t be coddled for long or your business will suffer in reputation, sales, continuity and trust.

Remember, the business is the top priority – not the feelings of the team member who isn’t well suited for the position, or the company you hired years ago that is no longer serving you well or the client who isn’t a good match for your model. When you serve the business first, you’ll recognize that sometimes it’s just time to let go.

Be honest and answer this question: “What relationship do you need to move on from in your business?”

This post originally appeared on the author’s blog.

Kelly Azevedo is the founder of She’s Got Systems, a custom coaching program that leads clients to get support, documenting and dominating in their fields. She has worked in startup, successful six-figure and million-dollar online businesses, helping owners create the systems to serve their needs. 

The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, the YEC recently launched #StartupLab, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses via live video chats, an expert content library and email lessons.









Photo: Mayflower