LA Startup: EventUp Really Let’s You Party Like A Rockstar

You can rent this home once owned by Joe DiMaggio for your party with Eventup (photo:

Former Myspacer Tony Adam has put a new spin on the event app. If you’ve ever wanted to party like a rockstar than Eventup may be exactly what you’re looking for.

Adam has procured celebrity homes in major cities like New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Through partnerships with the home owner, his company Eventup rents the houses out for parties and events. You could have a pool party at the Entourage mansion or propose like the bachelor. You could hold your first CD listening party at the home of Bob Dylan and countless others.

The prices are set by the home owner and range from $1,000 (a non celebrity castle with a moat) to $5,000 (Eric Clapton’s pad) to even more pricey like the East Village walkup Lady GaGa lived in before becoming a star ($12,000) and up.  The possibilities are endless and more and more celebrity homes are coming available.

Imagine throwing your son’s Bar Mitzvah reception at the home of Joe Dimaggio or your daughter’s Bat Mitzvah reception at the home of Marilyn Monroe (same venue) well Eventup has that venue starting at just $1000.

As with the castle with the moat though, if you’re not looking for a celebrity pad but somewhere ultra cool for a theme party Eventup has those kinds of venues for you as well.

The renters are responsible for the rental fee, cleanup fees and insurance but other than that the place is yours for your event.

“On most real estate or house sites you can only look,” Adam told the New York Daily News, who launched in February. “This goes beyond real estate voyeurism. For not much money in some cases, you can grab some friends and throw an event at these spaces.”

source: NY Daily News