Los Angeles Startup: Unbucket, Make Lists Of Things You Want To Do, Then Do Them

Elliot Darvick CEO & Co-Founder of Unbucket (photo: businessrockstars)

Sure everyone has a bucket list of must see places they want to go before they die, or amazing things they want to do before they die. You know the kind, skydiving, Mt. Rushmore, run a marathon, truly epic things. What about when you need a list of things to do that may get thrown to the wayside in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. That’s where Unbucket comes in.

Unbucket allows you to make your own unbucket lists, or do them with one friend, or many. The types of lists you can make are infinite. Unbucket suggests things like, recipes you want to try, places to dine in your city, movies to watch, things to do on vacation.

I’ve already signed up for Unbucket using the beta code nibletz and created a few lists of my own.  I’ve made a list of things to do with my daughter when I’m home on the weekend, and movies that I want to watch when I’m traveling. Hopefully this list making via Unbucket will come in handy.

We got a chance to talk with Elliot Darvick, co-founder of Unbucket. Check out the interview below:

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