As more and more companies move to cloud based servers there’s a huge market for cloud based server companies. Many cloud based providers turn to huge companies with huge server centers to get their information in the cloud.
A company called Nicira is using an old software trick originally used by spy agencies to challenge some of those traditional network providers. With their technology called “Software Defined Networks”
Software defined networks and virtualized servers basically trick servers into doing the taks of several. Virtualized machines run on cheaper components and cheaper semiconductors driving down the cost of hardware.
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Although Nicira is still considered a start up it’s client lists already includes AT&T and Rackspace where the Nicira technology is helping to drive computing for Google and Facebook.
Nicira’s co-founder Martin Casado started tinkering with what has become the software defined networking, in 2002 when he was working for a United States intelligence agency.
“They needed secure, isolated networks that shared the same infrastructure,” he said. “Virtualization means you have fewer machines and fewer cables. That is fewer points of entry they have to control.” Casado told the NY Times.
As the cloudspace increases Nicira is disrupting traditional server companies like Juniper and Cisco.
Nicira is funded by Andreessen Horowitz, Lightspeed Ventures and New Enterprise Associates. Diane Greene, the co-founder of VMware also contributed.
source: NYT