[Updated]Google+ Land Of The 25 Million Blank Profiles, Make That 60 Million

News coming from Labnol  shows that Google+ has approximately 25 million blank profile pages. So the reports of everyone calling it the land of boredom may be true. However what the same report tells you that under 1 year of being open to the public, they’ve gained over 170 million “active” users.

While not scientific, Amit has been able to, thanks to Googles own Site Map, figure out what the numbers are. Larry Page reported over 90 million users in January. So in less than 3 months, Google + has theoretically gained over 80 million new users. Reports have it that by end of 2012 they will amass nearly 400 million users, but no telling how many are real, spam, or even active.


To see your self, copy and paste the line below for your self.

site:plus.google.com "has not filled * profile yet" inurl:about


Anup Verma on Google+ pointed out to me that, that number could actually extremely higher. Making the “real” number 60 million, instead of the original 25 million first reported if you are to believe the screen shot below. What he did was log out, put that “code” above and pulled this for me. However when I tried the same thing, I got 23.9 million. While this isn’t an exact science as to figuring out who has done what, it does show that 20+ million people don’t care to fill it out and most likely not using the service after checking it out.

Source: Labnol


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One comment

  1. 1

    did you check out the gplus profiles found by this search? the most of them have some posts and many people do not share public since circles make selective sharingvery easy. this is stupid anti google propaganda..

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