DC Startup Seva Call Is A Virtual Concierge In Real Time & By Phone

Sevacall,DC Startup,startup interviewIf you’re looking for a professional service provider the highly acclaimed DC startup Seva Call may be just the right thing for you. Seva Call is a virtual concierge service that links customers by phone to the professional services that they need.

Whether you’re looking for computer repair techs, heating and cooling pros, locksmiths, maid service professionals, plumbers, roofers, or any other kind of service provider, Seva Call can handle that for you.

The company, providing services in Washington DC, Philadelphia, Boston and New York right serves up the best professionals in the users area.

So in this day and age of text messages, native apps,and web based platforms, why a “phone call” service?

“Even for simple inquiries, only 7% of consumers polled prefer text over other means of communication. As the service need gets more complex, customers want even more personal attention, a majority preferring direct conversation with businesses#. Perhaps that’s why 76% consumers polled prefer small businesses, with their reliance on old fashioned personal attention rather than ridiculous hold times, automated messages, bureaucracy and now the highly impersonal use of text messaging to bypass all of that.” co-founder Manpreet Singh told nibletz.com in an interview.

Even though we’re at a time where we think everyone is online, Singh tells us that 61% of service providers still have no web website or don’t know how to market themselves or make themselves available online.

SevaCall combines the best of both worlds to consumers and service providers. Customers needing services go to the SevaCall website and from there they decide the service that they need. They enter their location, contact info, availability and service need and within minutes they’ll get a call from 3 service providers.

“In minutes, Seva Call’s algorithm selects the best companies based on the details provided plus quality assurance indicators like consumer reviews and social media interactions. In about 90 secs customers can talk to an area professional who knows about their needs and have determined that they are ready to help.Plus, contact details remain confidential.” Singh said.

They plan on releasing mobile apps on iOS and Android in the near future which will allow users to enter the services they need on their smartphone and still get a call back with potential service providers.

Check out SevaCall here at sevacall.com

This pitch from DC startup Speek resulted in a monkey tattoo on the cofounders ass.


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