Kayak is one of the most awesome sites in the world for travelers. On one big screen you can compare flights, cars and lodging by price and provider. It’s great if you’re on a budget but if you’re bootstrapping and hitting the peer 2 peer sites there hasn’t been a place to offer similar comparative information.
That’s until now.
Montreal based developer Hamed Al-Khabaz, recently launched a new startup called Outpost or outpostp2p.com. It’s the Kayak for people looking to take advantage of p2p travel.
Right now the site give you access to Vayable, RideJoy and Airbnb, but according to Al-Khabaz via reddit and social media, they are looking to add just about every peer 2 peer travel service available.
Outpost is made up of three easy steps.
Lookup P2P services
Plan Your Spots
Packup and Travel
Using outpost you know where you can use each of the services individually or in tandem. If you’re using airbnb why not do some ride sharing too, it just makes sense.
Once you pick your destination using Outpostp2p.com you’re taken to a map that shows you all of the various p2p travel services available to you.
While Ridejoy obviously moves about a city, in cities like New York you can use Outpost to compare Vayable and Airbnb side by side. It also gives you a quick rundown in a list on the left side of the page with current accommodations by price for both services.
While this was admittedly a side project for Al-Khabaz, with the way it looks, operates and the need for a service like this, it could quickly become a huge new startup.
Check out Outpost here at outpostp2p.com