Facebook is at it again.
Have you heard about the latest updates that affect business business Pages? If you manage a business Page, you’ll want to know about them.
Below, I’ve outlined the biggest changes that will impact business owners on Facebook and shared some resources to further explore each:
Objective-Based Ad Creation
Facebook has simplified their advertising options. They continue to work on streamlining their ad creation process. Recently, Facebook announced that the process of building ads has been re-thought and re-created to focus on advertisers objectives.
According to Inside Facebook, the new ad flow will allow advertisers to create a Facebook advertisement based on the following common objectives:
• Clicks to Website
• Website Conversions
• Page Post Engagement
• Page Likes
• App Installs
• App Engagement
• In-store Offer claims
• Event Responses
Once a business has decided on an objective and built an ad, Facebook will place the ads where they perform best. Advertisers will no longer have to choose between the right-hand side bar or the newsfeed: Facebook will decide.
According to Jon Loomer, you can toggle back and forth between the new ad units and old ad units if you’re looking for some more control over your ads. Facebook has also given an updated look to the ads manager to support this change.
Updates to Facebook Insights
Earlier this year Facebook did a complete overhaul of their Insights. Recently they’ve started rolling out some enhancements based on user feedback. Some of the updates include the “People talking about this” metric splitting into Page Likes, People engaged (unique users who have clicked on, liked, commented on, or shared posts), Page Tags and Mentions, Page Check-ins and other interactions with Pages. Facebook also changed the name of the virality metric to “Engagement rate” and added clicks to the measurement.
These are just a few of the changes. To learn more about all of the changes, check out this article from AllFacebook.
Facebook Alerts Users When Messages Are Bound for Recipients “Other” Folders
Awhile back, Facebook made it so that when you send a private message to other users or brands that you are not connected with, message would go into an “Other” folder, instead of that user’s/brand’s inbox. The change was a little confusing. It was hard to tell where your message went and if the user/brand ever saw it. Now, you are fully warned when your private message will land in a user’s or brand’s “Other” folder.
Graph Search Now Includes Posts and Status Updates
At the end of September, Facebook updated Graph Search’s capabilities to make posts and status updates searchable. This new feature allows you to search for status updates, photo captions, check-ins and comments, and to find the things that were shared with you. According to Facebook, you can search for posts you want to see again, like “Posts I commented on” or “My posts from last year.”
Graph Search has always been set up so that you are only able to see content that has already been shared with you and public posts. If you haven’t updated your privacy settings since Graph Search was released, you may want to check in and freshen up on the options you have chosen.
Have you noticed any other updates to your Facebook Pages lately?
A version of this post originally appeared on the author’s blog. Images are used with permission from AllFacebook and Inside Facebook.
Jim Belosic is the co-founder and CEO of Pancake Laboratories, a software company based in Reno, Nev. The company is best known for its flagship product, ShortStack, software that’s designed to help small business owners and designers create custom apps that harness the power of social media. ShortStack recently celebrated its second birthday; Pancake Laboratories has several new software products slated for release in 2013.
The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, the YEC recently launched #StartupLab, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses via live video chats, an expert content library and email lessons.