Expert Marketing Tips For Your Startup


So, you’ve got a great product? That’s the easy part. The hard part is getting the message out. Here are some pro tips for making yourself heard.

Effective Social Media Engagement

Having a good social media marketing strategy can mean the difference between getting your message heard and not. Traditional social media marketing means getting a company to generate likes on your social media accounts. It might also mean using another company to generate content for your blog and so on. All of it is designed to drive traffic to your website and your product.

But what if the social media guys aren’t talking to the blogging guys. That can be a problem. The whole purpose of the blogging guys is to create interesting content that your users will want to read. But if the social media guys aren’t linked up with the blogging guys, they’re less likely to advertise the blogs. That means less traffic to your site. And if there’s less traffic to your site it makes you wonder why you went with an external marketing company in the first place.

One solution is to have one company comprehensively manage your online presence. Having your social media marketing carried out by a single provider means that they’re better able to integrate all your activity.  


SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the process of getting search engines to like and highly rank your content. Of course, your ranking is related to your social media marketing efforts. But there are many other considerations you need to take into account.

The first is to make sure that each of your pages is optimised for the precise search terms that people use when searching for your product. It’s essential that you don’t guess what they search for when including keywords for your web pages. You need to find out what they’re actually searching for, and then incorporate that into your site.

Also, if you’re a local business, your SEO needs to be optimised for local searches. If you’re located in Iowa, for example, and you don’t ship out of state, then make sure that it’s clear to the search engine.

If you do decide to get somebody else to optimise your ranking, choose an honest company. If a company promises to get you to the top of Google search results in two months, they’re fibbing.

Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

Many people have already switched away from using personal computers to access online content. Now the market is increasingly going mobile. That means that it’s increasingly important for your site to be optimized for mobile.

Google have recently introduced a policy of penalising websites in their search results that are not mobile-ready. So make sure that you or your website designer has mobile in mind when designing your site.

Plus the benefits of mobile are becoming clearer with each passing year. Back in 2014, a study from Neustar Localeze found that nearly 80 percent of local searches ended in a purchase. In other words, when somebody wanted a product locally, they more often than not bought something on the mobile platform.


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