How Your Startup Can Make the Most of Social Media


Starting a business presents you with constant challenges. One of the ways in which your new business can get ahead is by using social media properly. If you get your approach to social media right, there is no reason why you can’t give your entire brand a boost and massively increase exposure. Here are some things your business can do to make the most of social media platforms.

Avoid Common Mistakes

Before you start to think about what you should do on social media, you should think about what not to do. This is just as important for your startup. So make businesses take to social media enthusiastically only to make mistakes. For example, you should avoid getting into arguments or petty things like this. Sure, you will receive criticism, but you shouldn’t let it get to you. You should also avoid writing posts and tweets as if they were adverts. That’s not what social media is about.

Monitor Your Brand Health on Social Media

One of the interesting things about social media is that it allows people to say things about your business. And because this is all out there for the world to see, you should have a look. If people are saying negative things, you will have to work hard to improve things. It’s always better to know what’s being said rather than just burying your head in the sand. There are companies like Gnatta that can help you with tracking your brand health on social med

Use it to Increase Website Traffic

I’m sure your startup already has a website but are you getting the levels of traffic you want? For most startups, this is a big challenge. Social media can really help you to direct more traffic towards your website if you use it properly. You could add a blog to the website and then link back to it on social media, for example. Providing plenty of links is the best way to boost traffic to your website.

LinkedIn Too

Most businesses use the main social media platforms, like Twitter and Facebook. But those sites alone are not enough; there are so many others out there. One of the platforms that every business, whether it’s big or small, should be using is LinkedIn. It is a huge network of business professionals, and it offers you great networking opportunities. This makes it something entirely different from what you get from the bigger social media platforms. So, start using it today and see what it has to offer.

Schedule Tweets

We all know that trying to run a successful business is a stressful and time-consuming task. That means that you probably won’t always have time to be thinking about social media. So, to save yourself some time and make sure that your accounts don’t go quiet, you should schedule tweets. Twitter allows you to do this if you use a package like Hootsuite. You can write your tweets in advance and they will be sent out into the world at a time of your choosing.


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