Is Outsourcing The Right Choice For Your Startup?


When you are in the process of setting up a startup company, there is plenty to consider. When you are taking on board everything that you need to get on top of, it can sometimes seem a little daunting. At some point, pretty early on, you will be faced with the question of writing up a business plan. In this plan, you will need to dictate exactly how your business is going to operate. You will have to think about how much money is going to be needed. You will be thinking, already, about the number of staff to hire to get the ball rolling. You will also need to consider what, if anything, you will outsource of your own work. And, if you are like most people, you will find this one difficult question to answer.


Outsourcing has many pros and cons, and there is no blanket response to the question of whether it is the right choice. It depends hugely on the nature of your own business, for a start. But there is also the question of control. How much of it do you want to keep? Usually, if you are willing to give just a little away, you will be rewarded. There are, after all, some great benefits to be had from outsourcing. Let’s take a look at some of those benefits now.

Save Money

This is often the first place people go to when they think of outsourcing. And that is fair enough. When you are setting up a new business, the financial side of things is vital. It is imperative that you put a lot of consideration into how you are going to budget yourself. The good news with outsourcing, of course, is that you will often save money. However, this might not be immediately obvious – and that may be cause for concern for some people.

Depending on the nature of your business – and what you want to outsource – the financial side can be tricky. Yes, outsourcing will almost always be cheaper for the business than doing the same work in-house. However, you won’t necessarily see a noticeable difference in the accounts for quite some time. Some outsourcing companies offer large percentages upfront, which may skew your budget somewhat. This is fine if you take it into consideration from the outset. But it is worth thinking about first.

One downside, of course, is that your employees won’t enjoy the experience that comes from learning the necessary skills. With outsourcing, you have a cost-effective means of getting the work done, yes. But often, it is at the expense of your own staff’s satisfaction.

Save Time

During the process of setting up a startup company, you will soon learn just how valuable time is. While most people think of time only in passing fragments, the successful businessperson knows better. Time is much more than a measure when you are in charge of a business. When you run your own business, you come to appreciate the truth of the maxim that time is money. It is, in a very literal sense. Wasted time within your business means wasted expenditure. It is vital, therefore, that you spend your time as efficiently as possible. You should also be encouraging your staff to do the same. In the long run, this makes a significant difference.

It goes without saying that outsourcing at least some of your work will free up time. With that in mind, the benefits of outsourcing cannot readily be ignored. In truth, you might come to see it as a necessity. Particularly if you are pressing your own people about their use of time. You can’t then refuse to outsource some of the less necessary aspects of doing business. If you want to make the most of everybody’s efforts, it is more often than not better to outsource. You don’t have to outsource everything, of course. But you do need to choose wisely. Which area, exactly, should you outsource first and foremost? The answer to that lies in another huge benefit to come from outsourcing.

Leave It To The Experts

This benefit to outsourcing just cannot be overlooked. There are certain elements of running a business which you are unlikely to specialise in. For those areas, it is an obvious logical step to outsource the work. It would make little sense to learn a whole new language, so to speak, when you could hire a translator.

A common area in regards to this is IT. Most business owners are far from being computer experts. If you are like most, you know a little, but not enough. That’s fine. That is the very reason that IT outsourcing exists – to help out businesses who need the help. In the end, it is a far better use of your business’ time to outsource that which requires expert knowledge. And when you leave it in their hands, you can relax knowing that it is all taken care of. That frees up your mind and your time to focus on what’s important.

Focus On What Matters

Why have you decided to set up a business? For many people, this can be surprisingly difficult to answer properly. The reason for that is that it is usually a heady combination of reasons. Most people, if we are honest, are keen to earn money from their enterprise. That’s absolutely fine – that is, quite clearly, one of the advantages of having your own business. However, if pushed, most entrepreneurs will say that there is more to it than that.

Many people start businesses because they are driven by a dream, a goal, a vision. There is something missing which they would like to provide. Or there is a service which people are in need of. Sometimes, such people are driven by a desire to change the world of business from the outside in. Whatever your own personal driving motives are, it is essential that you don’t let them out of your sight. With outsourcing as a viable option, you can ensure this doesn’t happen. Outsource the majority of the work, and you can focus on what really matters.


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