Top 5 Creativity Drains For Businesses


Creative thought is essential for success in business, whatever line of industry your company serves. It helps you stand out from the crowd and gives you intelligent solutions for seemingly impossible tasks. But, several blocks can occur in the typical workplace that can have an adverse impact on your company’s creativity. In today’s guide, we’re going to go through some of the main offenders. Read on to find out more.

Open plan spaces

We’re a big lover of open plan workspaces. They are perfect for getting your team to start bouncing ideas off each other, and a handy tool for focussing on the task at hand. But, don’t underestimate the power of having quiet offices and space for people to think. Not everyone thrives in busy, loud office spaces – some prefer contemplation and quiet to focus their brains. Go to any top advertising agency in the world and they will all have quiet, thinking areas where people can go and consider problems. See if you can fit something like this in with your business goals – you might be surprised by the effect it has.


When you think about the modern world these days, we are always on, either on our phones or in meetings. And, the constant stream of distractions that come through on our PCs and smartphones is a menace to creative thought. On average,  recovering from distractions takes around two hours of the day, and it halts the creative process in a flash. Try using blocking software in your company during the times when people need to think.

The nuts and bolts of business

All companies have core tasks that need doing. You can’t get away from it: they are critical business functions, and you will suffer if you let things slip. These jobs tend to drain creativity because they need checking on a constant basis. You will have to find a report here, or look at a chart from finances, and it all consumes time and eats into the creative process. Your best bet is to look at automation. Some ERP Software, for example, can pull together all your mundane tasks, and free up more time for thinking about solutions. The more time you have, the more creative you can be – it’s as simple as that.

Negative atmosphere

Another big problem for businesses of all sizes is a negative environment. It can lead to hostility, affect employee engagement, and it will also put a halt to anyone putting forward creative ideas. Try to instill a positive atmosphere in your workplace, and you will see better results. Think about team bonding days, and encourage an open door policy so people feel like they can air their grievances. Be transparent, too. If your employees know that you trust them, they will be more confident to test out new ideas.

Pushing too hard

Half of all adults work longer than 40 hours a week these days. And, 4 out of 5 of them wish they worked shorter hours. And, when people feel overworked, they tend to get tired, stressed and start to feel cynical about their jobs. It affects productivity in a big way, too. Be aware of this at all times, as it can have a real impact on your company’s creativity levels.

We hope this has highlighted some of the issues surrounding creative thought in the workplace. Let us know your thoughts!


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