Easy Ways To Get Your Colleagues Buzzing In The Morning, Ready To Smash It


Every startup knows the importance of having the energy to get the job done. But what does it take to get then excited and ready to face the challenges of the day, other than just pumping them all full of coffee? Take a look at this.

Get To Know The People You’re Working With

It’s often said that the best managers are those who adapt their management style depending on the personalities of their team members. Some people are motivated by targets and by challenges. Others get out of bed in the morning because they want a pat on the back and to be told that they’re “a good boy.” But how are managers supposed to differentiate their management techniques unless they actually know their employees? According to Forbes, it’s worth spending some time to get to know your colleagues outside of work. Often, you’ll be surprised by just how much you have in common. Getting to know as many different people in your business as possible during coffee breaks helps you adapt your management practices to better suit the needs of the individual. Plus, it helps you to grow your internal network: always a bonus.

Don’t Avoid A Problem

Entrepreneurs sometimes tend to push problems in their business to the back of their mind. There’s just so many other things to deal with that they can often feel overwhelmed. But safety issues, like faulty electrical equipment, have a habit of biting back when you least expect it. Jim’s Test & Tag, an electrical safety firm, recommend that companies regularly test their electrical equipment. Safety issues at work can severely damage staff morale and dampen the mood at work, especially if somebody gets hurt. Spend an hour in the morning every day getting all the things that you really don’t want to do out of the way. You’ll soon notice the benefits in your team.

Never Gossip

There’s probably not an awful lot you can do to prevent gossip in your own team at work unless you happen to have employed a bunch of saints. But there’s definitely a lot you can do as a founder to avoid gossip and saying negative things about co-workers. Communication in the office is probably a lot more fluid than you imagine, so anything you do say is likely to end up back at the colleague in question. If there’s something negative you need to say to a colleague, it’s probably a good idea to say it directly to their face. Always look for opportunities to praise colleagues too, as this can be a real motivator on a cold, dreary morning.

Be Grateful

One of the things that sets happy people apart from everybody else is the fact that they are generally grateful for what they have. Gratitude towards employees is equally important. Everybody likes to feel appreciated once in awhile, so creating a culture of gratitude in your organization is key to making people feel good about their work. It’s always worth praising those employees who go above and beyond in their work, as it’s often these people who are adding the most value to your firm and to your product.


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