Non-sleazy Ways To Get More Clients For Your Online Business


When you run an online business, the one thing your business really depends on is your ability to get clients.

So many people go into business thinking that if they just throw up a pretty website and create Facebook business page that magically all of these ideal clients are just going to be tripping over each other to work with them.

Unfortunately it doesn’t quite work that way, though it would be brilliant if it did, but the old “build it and they will come” mentality is really quite damaging, so it’s time for business owners to understand that if they want to be successful and stay in business, then they actually have to be investing time and/or money into getting new leads and clients.

The good news is, this is actually not anywhere near as complicated as it sounds. Sure, if you look around online, you’ll see endless stories of struggle when it comes to marketing and sales, but honestly, people are just making things far more difficult on themselves than they really need to be.

As with so many things in life, we humans do like to over-complicate things, but to keep it simple is actually a far better overall strategy – regardless if it’s life or business.

So, let’s look at a few easy, and totally non-sleazy ways for you to start getting more clients and actually start growing your business the way you know you’re capable of.

Be Personal With Them:

Now, before you get any ideas, I don’t mean personal in an inappropriate way. What I mean is, remember that your clients and potential clients are actually humans, too. They’re not just there to open their wallet and keep you in business. Get to know them as people, both before and after the sale. This shows that you care and that you can be trusted. There’s nothing more crucial in business than your reputation, and in the online world, especially, word gets around fast, so make sure people are saying and hearing good things about you.

Deliver Lots Of Value:

It’s said a lot that people don’t buy products or services, they buy people – meaning they buy into whatever you’re offering because of you and how you offer it. This is why you can easily look at one copywriter or business coach online who’s completely crushing it with their business and is totally booked out, whereas you have another who’s offering more or less the exact same services and products, but can’t even give their free stuff away. The reason is because that first coach or copywriter has taken the time to nurture their clients before they became clients, they showed up consistently with the same message, and they proved they know their stuff because they kept giving lots of value in their trainings and through their emails, etc. This is such a simple approach and concept, yet so many people fall short on this one. People will buy into you and will likely become customers for life, even if they really need what you’re offering or not because if you show up all the time and deliver real value to them, then they will trust you, and trust is what gets people to buy in the end.

Be Real:

While everybody loves a good rags to riches story, they seem to be dominating the online space over the past two years. I’ve honestly never known of such an epidemic of people once broke, living in their cars, and now all of a sudden making 6-figures and living the laptop life. Yes, they’re good for inspiration when they’re actually true, but the sheer volume of these stories does make you wonder, doesn’t it? Sharing your story with people is one of the best ways to really connect with your audience and ideal clients, but be real and raw with people. They’re not stupid, and they can tell when you’re lying, so it’s completely off putting. A great way to share your story is through places like Facebook, blogs, with your email newsletters, and even through advertising, which you can help with at places like You can certainly try being fake in business, but it really won’t get you anywhere.

Set Up A Sales Funnel:

These are amazing for generating a consistent flow of regular clients and sales to your business, and although they do take a bit of work to set up, they’re actually easy to do, and completely worth it when you look at the benefits. A sales funnel can really look however you want it to, and obviously has to fit in with your business model and goals, but a very simple and easy to set up one would look like this: create a simple Facebook, Instagram or Twitter ad that drives targeted traffic to a high-value freebie known as an opt-in, which people sign up for in exchange for their email address, then you would deliver a continuation of that freebie through an equally high-value email series over a certain period of time, and ultimately this leads in to you then making an offer for your paid product or service.

Reach Out To People:

So many people are afraid of doing this because they think it makes them look sleazy, but if you approach it the right way, there’s nothing wrong with this old-school marketing method at all, and it’s highly effective. Simply reach out to people on your contacts list, old colleagues, even old clients and just start a conversation with them. Don’t send a message offering them a product or giving them a link (that is sleazy and will get you nowhere), but simply open up the conversation and show genuine interest in them and what they’re up to, let them know what you’re up to, and if they ask for more information, then just give it to them. They may not become a client themselves, but they could know someone who is looking for exactly what you offer.


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