Saying “Thank You” To Your Team Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult


The people who work at startups are invariably hard working and dedicated to the cause. They have to be: after all, nobody else is going to get the money rolling in. As a result, it’s a good idea for bosses to show a bit of gratitude for what their teams have put in, besides their paychecks. Here are some ways you can say “thank you” to year team for all the hard work they do.

Let Them Choose What Project To Work On Next

The startup bosses that tend to succeed are those who are best at delegating activities to their team. Bosses can’t do everything: nor should they.

Sometimes a good way to reward your team and to show that you trust them is to allow them to pick their next move., Often the people working in your company will have a better idea of what needs to be done next than you do, so this can often be a win-win situation. Giving employees more autonomy is a surefire way to improve morale in your organization and get people fired up for the work that they are doing.

Plan A Team Happy Hour

Happy hours can involve anything, from cooking to paintballing, so long as they are fun. Organizing a happy hour after work is a surefire way to get your team to know each other better in a social setting, improving their overall commitment to each other and your business.

You can also use happy hours to create something together with your team, like a painting you can put up in the office, or a slap up meal everybody can enjoy together.

Give Them Their Holidays

Nothing is more annoying or more damaging to morale than having to work on the holidays. This is why it is so important for startups to use a staff holiday planner to make sure that they adequately arrange for absences in the future. Get your employees to plan their vacation time with you early on in the year (now is a good time) so that they don’t end up disappointed later on when they find out that they’ve missed the boat to book time off. Make sure that they know you’re doing everything you can to ensure that they have time off they deserve with their families.

Write A Letter

Letter writing is seen as old-fashioned these days, especially in the working environment. As a result, when somebody receives a handwritten note, thanking them for all their hard work, it has a giant effect. Handwritten notes are way more effective than emails or instant messages over Slack.

Acknowledge Individuals In Your Newsletter

The best leaders are quick to recognize all the people who have helped them achieve their goals. Plus, they understand the role of incentives, and how public praise can help others strive harder and achieve more in their own work. This is why it’s such a good idea to send out company-wide newsletters thanking individuals personally for all their hard work. Whether it’s helping make a project a success, or simply being there for other team members when things got tough, it’s worth acknowledging this at the company level.


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