Fake It ’Til You Make It: How To Look Bigger Than You Are


In business, you can often struggle to find your feet at times. Even if you’re doing well with one area of business, you may find that another is starting to wobble. Whether you’ve thrown yourself in at the deep end or you’re trying to master a new skill, you may wonder if you’ve taken on too much. In some cases, you may have done, but in others, that’s just how the world of business works.

Sometimes, to be successful, you have to just figure things out as you go along. You can play it safe or wait for opportunities to come your way, but where’s the fun in that? If you want to be a big business, but you’re not quite there yet, faking it can help. By thinking bigger, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and trying to do as the big guns do, you’ll be edging yourself closer to the mark. And to help you get there, you’re going to want to…

Have Goals

To get yourself set up ready to fake it until you make it, you need goals. Without goals, it’s never going to happen – you’ll just end up taking it for the rest of your life. So, you need to be able to think of the goals you have for your business and start putting them to work. When you have goals, you have vision. And it’s often that vision that can drive you to get to where you’ve always wanted to be.

Think Ahead

So, now that you’ve got your goals in place and you know exactly what you’re working for, you need to set the wheels in motion. But, when it comes to everything you do, especially your operations, you’re going to want to make sure that you think ahead. You need to be able to have the right tools in place to handle your growth, and not see your business struggle when you do start to thrive.

Knowledge Is Power

And just like you want to prepare your business for growth, you’re going to want to do the same with yourself. In life, you should always aim to keep learning. When you learn, you’re acquiring new knowledge, and we all know that knowledge is power. If you want to better yourself and your business, you need to soak everything up and push yourself.

Brand Yourself Bigger

You may also want to take a look at your branding, or if you’re yet to establish yourself a strong brand, that’s the first place you need to start. Developing your brand is often one of the first steps to taking yourself seriously as a business. When you focus on your brand, you’re not only working on your image, but you’re also committing to your business as a viable future investment too.

Dress For Success

Next up, think about your appearance. Faking it only works if you have the confidence to carry it off. And although you may think that your brain, integrity or business idea is more important than your image, you may be wrong. When you dress for success, you instantly feel more confident. Power dressing is a thing for a very good reason, so work with it.

Look Bigger Than You Are

But you may also want to make sure that the way you work fakes it as much as you do. So, you dream of having a multinational or even a national business? So, you want to make sales that can lead that to happen. Whether you find yourself a call forwarding service for national or international numbers or hire contractors around the country to work on your behalf, it can happen. When your company looks bigger than it is, you can often win business that will finally take you there.

Bring In The Big Guns

And while we’re on the topic of hiring contractors, let’s take a look at the idea of outsourcing a little more closely. When you are a small business, you may not have the knowledge or the resources to get the things done that you want to be able to get done. So, instead of suffering and worrying that you’ll never grow, hire the right people for the job. Then, those tasks can get done, and you can focus on growth.

Have Contacts

And finally, you’re going to want to network like crazy. Trying to fake it can be exhausting, so sometimes you need a helping hand – or a break. Either way, networking can aid both. When you know the right people and acquire killer contacts, you should be able to grow in the right direction, get advice, and even know exactly where to head when you’re in need of investment.


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