Entrepreneurs: Are You Giving Customers What They Want?


As the company’s owner, you of course will think your business is fantastic. It’s your idea, your passion, you’ve put your heart and soul into your venture- but when it comes down to it, it’s the customer’s opinion that’s important. These are the people who will be buying your products or services, who will be making you a profit. It’s their custom that depicts whether you’re a success or failure. But what exactly are they looking for?

An Intuitive, Visually Pleasing Website

It’s no longer just an added bonus to have a good company website, these days it’s something that is absolutely crucial to the success of your business. Research has shown that almost half of people will click off a website if it doesn’t load within a few seconds, with slow and badly designed sites being so off-putting that they would never return. We live in an age of instant gratification; you need to give people want they want. For this reason, your website needs to be fast, as well as intuitive with important information being easy to find.  Don’t forget links to your social media pages and ‘about’ with your business information.

An Interesting App

The big branded names of the world got their foot in the door long ago when it came to the mobile app market. Many smaller businesses still haven’t got on board, which is exactly why you should. Not only are you giving the customer what they want- a reliable way to contact and easy access to your products- it also makes your brand appear much more trustworthy. More sales are now made on smartphones and tablets than laptops and computers, a fact you simply can’t ignore if you want to be a success.

Great Customer Service

A friendly and reliable customer service team can really help tp build up people’s opinion of your brand. Sometimes things go wrong, having a reliable and helpful human to sort the issue for them will go a long way in how they view you as a business. You could have a Twitter help page solely for queries, and a live chat feature as well as people on the telephones during business hours. If you are a local business like a shop, employee name badges like these on Aquarius Media can make the customer’s shopping experience more personal.

Real Customer Reviews

One thing customers are likely to do before shopping with you for the first time is read reviews. That way they are able to see for themselves what kinds of experiences past customers have had with you. If you put out good service consistently you will naturally build up good reviews, you could also ask customers too if they would mind leaving one. Facebook business pages have a review section that you could ask people to write in. Otherwise, third-party review sites like Trustpilot are useful.

Have you given much thought to what customers are looking for in a business, aside from great products or services?


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