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Proin volutpat venenatis lacus. Pellentesque ut dolor id purus vehicula aliquet. Nullam leo nisi, lacinia eu tempus nec, fringilla eget turpis. Proin a risus lectus.

Sed vel blandit sem. Ut sapien lorem, condimentum in lacus sit amet, tempus sagittis urna. Cras sit amet dui felis. Aliquam fermentum massa non augue sollicitudin pretium. Aenean ac lectus consequat, lacinia orci non, dictum neque. Morbi semper accumsan mi, scelerisque placerat elit ullamcorper eu. Suspendisse varius eget tortor vel semper.Photo Credit: Luis Hernandez –

Mark Cuban: There’s A Bubble In SiliconValley…Nowhere Else

Self made billionaire, ABC Shark Tank Shark and Dallas Maverick owners Mark Cuban recently spent some time with the Wall Street Cheat Sheeet’s, Damien Hoffman. Of course the wonderful “Bubble 2.0” question came up, and Cuban’s response will be a-ok with the target audience of Nibletz, the voice of startups everywhere else.

“There is a bubble only in tech investing in Silicon Valley. Nowhere else in the U.S.” Cuban said in the interview. All of Cuban’s most recent interviews have suggested that valuations in the Valley are way over-hyped. Our West Coast Editor (and co-founder) Brent Fishman has no problem talking abut the wild and crazy valuation of Pinterest. Fishman loves to point out that Pinterest has no actual “business model” in place.

One of the things about Cuban’s assessment being so true for startups “everywhere else” is the fact that even if the playing field in the venture capitalist arena was marginally fair, startups everywhere else already have to work twice as hard from everything else.

More after the break
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