It’s Chicago’s big week, and they have some awesome speakers and panels lined up.
First up, Jason Fried with Designing Products with Purpose. You probably know that 37signals builds collaboration apps for small businesses. Which means you probably know that they know what they’re talking about when it comes to product design. They’ve been in business for more than 10 years, so they’ve been through every change out there.
In the video below, Fried talks defines product design. In his view, product design doesn’t end when the product ships. Instead, designers need to think about the product and its usability years down the road.
He cautions entrepreneurs to focus and not try to do too much.
I’m always a fan of taking a vision that you have and cut it down to a manageable size so that you can actually do something.
Check out the rest of Fried’s video, and stay tuned for more TechWeek coverage.