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Proin volutpat venenatis lacus. Pellentesque ut dolor id purus vehicula aliquet. Nullam leo nisi, lacinia eu tempus nec, fringilla eget turpis. Proin a risus lectus.

Sed vel blandit sem. Ut sapien lorem, condimentum in lacus sit amet, tempus sagittis urna. Cras sit amet dui felis. Aliquam fermentum massa non augue sollicitudin pretium. Aenean ac lectus consequat, lacinia orci non, dictum neque. Morbi semper accumsan mi, scelerisque placerat elit ullamcorper eu. Suspendisse varius eget tortor vel semper.Photo Credit: Luis Hernandez –

Music Video Gets Really Comfy With Different Sleep Positions

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Fusce dignissim nec mauris feugiat volutpat. Suspendisse hendrerit, justo quis tempor gravida, leo massa rhoncus lacus, sit amet pretium metus sem in neque. Nunc at massa faucibus, posuere tortor sagittis, congue justo. Sed faucibus, felis congue egestas porttitor, eros arcu molestie mauris, sit amet scelerisque lacus mi ut quam. Photo Credit: WarmSleepy

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Startup Quick Byte: Sworly

For today’s Startup Quick Byte, we take a look at Sworly, think Pinterest meet 80’s/90’s MTV, you know, when MTV was actually watchable with music being played. Sworly takes the confusion of what Pinterest could be and does it all around music.

Why Sworly?

We scour the web to provide you unlimited access to over 20 million songs readily available throughout the web so you don’t have to stress your wallet. You also no longer have to stumble through dozens of mind-numbing fakes on YouTube before finding that coveted song.

Based out of Ottawa, this Startup is one of many specialized Pinterest clones popping up. For music lovers this is perfect as it is just for the music fans to discover new music.


Where to find them

