Our good friends at Meshin tweeted about an event happening at PARC (Paolo Alto Research Center) on Thursday revolving around context. Something the folks at Meshin know well. If you’re not familiar with Meshin they are doing some incredible things with semantics and context and revolving it around Evernote. Their Meshin Recall app allows you to organize notes and tag them to your calendar rather than sort them out with hashtags which get easily as messy as not having tags at all.
It’s this context that Meshin uses to relate your notes to something that is fueling this panel discussion with some thought leaders in the context space. If you’re in the Paolo Alto area you may want to attend this great discussion. The event runs from 5:00pm to 6:30 with networking from 6:00-6:30 and will be moderated by social media guru Dave Peck.
More after the break
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