Sweet Nibletz We’re On Location At E3

Despite a few hiccups in our travel plans we’ve made it safely to Los Angeles to cover the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), this year the theme is Innovation unveiled. We’re going to cover it for our gaming, tech and mobile sections and we’re going to take some time out of our schedule to focus on cool new gaming startups. If you’re a gaming startup in either hardware or software and you’re exhibiting at E3 please make sure you reach out to us at startup@nibletz.com and we’ll make sure to stop by your booth or meet up with you over the next 3 and a half days.

We’re looking forward to big announcements from Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony and many many more.

Nintendo made history Sunday by deciding not to wait and announcing their new Wii U Gamepad and Pro Controllers. We’re expecting more from Nintendo on Tuesday morning.

Make sure you let everyone know to follow our RSS feed, our Twitter Stream and our G+ page for the latest from E3 and especially our startup spin.