Surprise Surprise: Greg Kumparak Joins Pando Daily

Greg Kamparak photo: Kamparak's Google+

The exodus at AOL owned TechCrunch continues. Earlier this week it was leaked that TechCrunch’s mobile editor, Greg Kumparak, was leaving TechCrunch. At the time Kumparak announced his departure he didn’t say he was going, but of course the obvious place was PandoDaily.

PandoDaily is the new start up focused site that was started by former TechCrunch editor Sarah Lacy. Michael Arrington’s CrunchFund led an angel round for the new site that was over 2.5 million dollars.

Lacy announced a couple of weeks ago that PandoDaily was holding monthly meet ups. The first of which was tonight. Arrington was the featured guest and had a fireside chat with Lacy. It was also announced that Kumparak was joining the PandoDaily team tonight.

More after the break
Kumparak has been covering the mobile beat at TechCrunch for quite sometime. Despite being the mobile editor for one of the “big sites” Kumparak was always approachable and enjoyed talking to journalists at any level. That’s why he’s going to be great at his new job, building relationships with incubators and accelerators.

Lacy reports that Kumparak will officially start at PandoDaily next Wednesday.  In the meantime you can follow Greg on Twitter here and of course check out Pandodaily here.

source: PandoDaily


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