The developers of Flipboard announced months back that they would be releasing their app for Android at some point. They included one detail though, that it would have exclusivity to the Galaxy S III at launch, and the launch has finally come and gone. The developers now have expressed that Flipboard has had a succesful trial period in its beta and launch with the GSIII and is ready for a full-scale Android launch.
This past week Google announced that it would be opening its Google+ API’s to Flipboard (something that Google has not made a habit of whatsoever) and allowing tight integration with the service. Google still has yet to give all or even most third-party developers access to its API’s for Google+, which is opposed to the way that Twitter and Facebook do their dealings. Flipboard was one of only a handful of companies to receive this special access, and hopefully this means Google is closer to finally making its API’s public to all.
With all of this news past, Flipboard has finally published their app to the Play Store in its full version complete with Google+ integration and all. This update will allow users to share Flipboard articles to Google+ as well and +1-ing them, and YouTube integrations is here in this version as well so users can view their subscribed videos right in Flipboard. Not only is Flipboard available in the Play Store, but it has also been published to the Amazon App Store and Nook Store as well. We have the link below and be sure to check it out if you already haven’t.