There’s a new technology startup incubator in Oklahoma City that is looking to offer businesses an $18,000-$25,000 seed investment along with services and mentoring. Sure that sounds like the model for most incubators across the country “everywhere else” but Guy Madison, the founder of Blueprint for business has a couple other ideas that will set this incubator apart.
Being a workaholic, non-stop founder is part of the startup culture. In my opinion and the opinion of many others it’s almost expected that you work around the clock until your body can’t take it anymore. While this is definitely not the most healthy idea, nor socially accepted to anyone outside of your startup circle, it shows drive, determination and focus.
Madison doesn’t seem to agree.
“We want them to focus on the whole package, because if you become a millionaire and your wife divorces you because you’re never around, then you’re a lonely millionaire” he told
While some may applaud this idea, and yes it’s fundamentally great, it seems that the new Mr & Mrs Zuckerberg are quite happy together and Zuck’s bride has been with him through almost all of the Facebook startup process. Obviously the Zuckerberg case doesn’t support every startup but most founders know no bounds when it comes to working on their startup.
Madison has lined up over 25 great entrepreneurs from the Oklahoma City tech scene. He plans to integrate all the valuable lessons for entrepreneurs and founders while advising the group of startups on the human part of a technology startup, ie not working 90-100 hours per week.
Madison admits that, aside from the toned down work ethic, most of the idea behind his incubator is built on the TechStars model, as are about 90% of the other incubators across the country.
Blueprint for Business if being funded by husband and wife owners of U.S. Fleet Tracking, Jerry and Cindy Hunter.
Madison is courting entrepreneurs from everywhere to come to Oklahoma City for three months from August 15th through November 15th and culminate with a demo day in November where the teams can pitch their ideas in front of investors.
While we appreciate Madison’s idea for a more “humane” accelerator, we don’t necessarily agree that it’s such a problem. However, we are definitely jazzed up about the idea of a new incubator in Oklahoma City. Madison along with Ramier Shaik, one of the mentors in the program feel that Blueprint for Business is a much needed resource for startups in Oklahoma City.
Madison says that startups that move into Oklahoma City for the incubator don’t have to stay when the three months is up, but he’s hopeful that they will. Cost of living is much lower than either coast and outside of tornado season Oklahoma City is actually a beautiful place.
There are only a few days left for applications, the process ends on July 8, 2012. See the link below.
Hit the links:
Here’s where you can apply for Blueprint for business
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