Sports Fans Find Your Out Of Town Bar With Cleveland Startup: BackerBar

You see the tweets, Facebook mentions and Google+ messages all the time, someone in your timeline is out of town and wants to catch their favorite game at a team friendly bar. After all you don’t want to go into just any sports bar in Baltimore Maryland and ask to put on the Steeler’s game.  Those special bars are what this Cleveland startup refers to as “BackerBar’s” which is where their name came from.

The team at BackerBar came up with this clever little definition:

backerbar: [n.] /ޖbakər/ bär/ – a bar that supports, or ‘backs’, a team foreign to the local market. Support can range from just a banner or two hanging up, or on game days packed wall to wall with fans wearing the teams’ jerseys…even the bartenders! Bar owners can choose to support a professional and/or college team.  Examples include an Ohio State BackerBar in Chicago, Dallas Cowboys BackerBar in Los Angeles, or USC Trojans BackerBar in Boston. The combinations of teams/cities can be endless. We cover the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, as well as NCAA football and basketball.

As you can see if you’re a sports fan this is a very important startup. BackerBar has developed a gigantic database and interactive web based platform so that any traveling or transplanted sports fan can find out where their team’s “backer bar” is. They also told us in the interview below, that naturally a mobile app is in the works. No more worries about getting laughed, at made fun of or even injured for supporting your own team. You’ll find that special backer bar with BackerBar.

In the interview below BackerBar co-founder Michael Stratis talks about their startup and also building a startup in Cleveland which has become a town full of startups and innovation. In fact one of the biggest organizations that supports startups and entrepreneurs, Jumpstart Inc, is also based in Cleveland.

Check out the interview below:

What is Backerbar?

Here is a clever definition we came up with.

backerbar: [n.] /ޖbakər/ bär/ – a bar that supports, or ‘backs’, a team foreign to the local market. Support can range from just a banner or two hanging up, or on game days packed wall to wall with fans wearing the teams’ jerseys…even the bartenders! Bar owners can choose to support a professional and/or college team. Examples include an Ohio State BackerBar in Chicago, Dallas Cowboys BackerBar in Los Angeles, or USC Trojans BackerBar in Boston. The combinations of teams/cities can be endless. We cover the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, as well as NCAA football and basketball.

Fans, sometimes referred to as transplant fans, prefer these bars over normal sports bars so they can watch the game with other fans like them, which created a better environment than a normal bar. Their team most likely gets the biggest screen in the house, as well as sound for the game. Bars often provide gameday specials (drink specials, freebies, trivia, prizes, etc) exclusively for the team(s) they back. These bars provide an experience that is the next best thing to being at the actual game. It’s their home (bar) away from home.

Fans aren’t limited to just relocated fans. We will also be targeting college students and travelers, whether the travel be for business or pleasure. If you’re going to watch the game at a bar, since you are potentially hundreds of miles away from the game, you might as well watch it with people just like you. Talk about a built in icebreaker!

“So, you originally from Vermont, orrr…” -Foster, Super Troopers

In layman’s terms, how does it work?

In layman’s terms, we are a national index of BackerBars in the US. Users can find the BackerBar of their choice with only a few clicks. Bars can gain an identity and create the perfect atmosphere for watching the game, not to mention a slew of loyalists.

We’ve created the index of BackerBars, and we will rely on input from fans to provide more information so the site will be as accurate as possible for other fans. Through user ratings, suggestions, comments, complaints etc, BackerBars that are most popular will emerge as the best spots to watch your team. Using user contributed data ensures non-biased listings and allows fans to find the best BackerBars.

The site will be rolled out in the order of the sports seasons, with football in the fall to kick it off. Pun intended.

Who are the founders and what are their backgrounds?

BackerBar has three  founders, with our page developer being equally if not more important. Our team includes Brian Folmer, Michael Stratis, Brian Day, and Alex Vossler. All four are Cleveland natives and graduates of Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School (BBHHS). Brian, Michael, Brian- 2006, Alex- 2008.

Brian Folmer, co-founder/CEO, is a 2011 graduate of Ohio State’s Fisher College of Business. After earning his BSBA, Brian attended Capital Law School for one year. Instead of returning this fall, he has put his J.D. on hold to pursue building the services provided by BackerBar.

Michael Stratis, co-founder/COO, is a 2010 graduate of Kent State University’s College of Business and currently enrolled in Monte Ahuja’s Cleveland State University College of Business Master’s program with an expected graduation date of June 2013. While working a full-time day job, enrolled in graduate level coursework and this startup Michael has made personal sacrifices in order to put BackerBar ahead of many other things, but is determined to have a national impact with this site, connecting sports fans with their local bars around the country.

Brian Day, co-founder/CFO, studied Finance and Marketing at the University of Dayton and graduated in 2010. In addition to working full time, Brian attends evening classes and will earn his MBA in May 2013 with a focus in Entrepreneurship. He hopes his education in entrepreneurship can help with the success of BackerBar.

Where are you based?

Cleveland OH

What’s the startup scene/culture like in Cleveland?

It’s unbelievable here in Cleveland. The city is in it’s early stages of a renaissance, with a major transition from heavy manufacturing to technology. Currently, the city has been known for manufacturing, but in the near future, people will connect Cleveland with the likes of Palo Alto and other major tech hubs around the country. It’s great to be a part of this change and help fuel its momentum. The public is starting to become familiar with the terms business incubator and accelerator. We are so appreciative to be apart of one, Bizdom Cleveland.

The city is really making great strides to help nurture this change too. The construction going on right now can be a pain, but in a few years, Cleveland will be looking mighty fine (and running like a well oiled machine!).

Since the founders have been friends for years, the atmosphere is very friendly and relaxed. Jokes and one-liners are in no shortage, and a good sense of humor is an important quality of anyone we work with. Since we have four employees, we rely heavily on open communication, everyone shares everything. An abundance of communication is essential to ensure everyone is always in the same boat because we need all four oars in the water.

How did you come up with the idea for BackerBar?

Brian Folmer had a friend visiting him in Columbus last fall, and they wanted to watch the Brownies at a Browns BackerBar. After some googling, Brian couldn’t really find what he was looking for, but knew these bars dotted Columbus. After his struggles, he thought there ought to be a quick and simple, go-to website for this info. The idea of was born. After sharing the idea, most reactions were similar to Brian’s, wishing they had BackerBar in their city. These positive reactions (and support) from friends and family encouraged us to take the idea to the next level and create the website and business model.

How did you come up with the name?

The Cleveland Browns Backers. We just assumed when referring to one of their particular bars, they would be called a backer bar. So we just made that into one word and rolled with it. As we like to explain it, its the unofficial official name for these types of bars. Now that is here, we want to build the brand and make it the official, household, name. A few years ago, nobody knew what Facebook was, and we would like to do the same with BackerBar.

What problem does BackerBar solve? BackerBar helps fans quickly and efficiently find backerBars. Before us, its was a completely fragmented market, involving tedious searches that usually resulted in reading through outdated forums. Worry no more, a one stop shop is now available. No matter the city, sport or team.

You might run into the problem of being in a new city and having to settle on watching your team(s) at a mediocre corner bar. Whether you are on vacation, traveling for business, temporarily moved, or just moved permanently, BackerBar can help you find the best place to watch the game. Even if its an area you travel to routinely, your team’s fans could be gathering to watch games just down the street from you. If you’ve found a BackerBar then congratulations, but check because fans could be at a bar nearby having a better experience. BackerBar can help you discover the best place to watch your team’s games, wherever you are.

BackerBar will not become outdated since it’s content will be from the users. For example, as soon as a fan tells us a bar went out of business, it will be noted on the site, and removed as soon as it is verified. On the other hand, if a new BackerBar opens and we don’t know about it, fans can suggest a new location on the site.

It also gives BackerBars a (loud) voice on the internet. Before these bars were almost always found through word of mouth. We are the BackerBars word of mouth, but in the digital age. Through the internet and mobile app, we will expedite that ‘word of mouth’ style growth.

BackerBar looks to connect more fans and alma mater with local bars to, not only, generate more foot traffic for these bars, but to increase the number of members within these Alumni Associations. The more members in these associations means more donations awarded to their respective schools which, inevitably, will help grow their universities and their surrounding communities.

What’s your secret sauce?

Execution. Actually waking up each day and making this a priority. Constantly sharing our idea with others, and then brainstorming on what we have learned has been very conducive to how far we’ve come. We wouldn’t be where we are without the feedback and suggestions we’ve received. Sharing our idea with others has been the most fun part of the entire process.

Also, knowing that this is something many fans didn’t know was a problem until we brought it to their attention helps us generate a larger base of customers and visitors on a daily basis. Once these sports fans understand that there is a one-stop-shop to locate the BackerBar’s in their community, the more these fans recognize the importance of our site. Being the connection for the fans and being the voice for these bars is what separates ourselves.

What’s one dilemma you’ve encountered in the startup process?

The amount of data that needs to be collected. It’s insane. Doing the legwork for each of these sports teams in each of these cities has been a huge mountain to climb. The more we research and discover, the larger this endeavor becomes. However, we understand the potential with this opportunity which is why we continue to search , continue to connect and continue to grow our database of BackerBars.

Having a large customer base is a better problem to have than not having people interested in our services.

What’s one challenge you’ve overcome in the startup process?

Funding for the company and for the website itself. Having limited amounts of funds, since we’re broke young professionals and students, has been a serious obstacle for BackerBar. This situation has forced us to learn how to be ultra efficient and maximize being resourceful. Its been a nice challenge though, because it forces us think outside the box to come up with alternative solutions for funding and resources. Normally, these problems could be solved simply by writing a check, but due to our monetary situation, we’ve been forced to explore other sources.

Who are some of your mentors and business role models?

Our mentors are all around us. Being able to work with Bizdom has provided us an unbelievable opportunity that not many entrepreneurs get a chance to utilize. The Bizdom Accelerator Program is filled with mentors and professionals that specialize in different facets of the technology business. I have complete confidence in the solutions they help us reach.

Being located in Cleveland helps with the role models. We have made connections with the Cleveland Cavaliers and their marketing department. Mike Maleski, the VP of Digital Marketing for the Cavaliers, has supplied valuable information from the professional team side of the equation. His help, combined with the invaluable connections established through Bizdom Cleveland, provides unlimited opportunities for BackerBar to grow and grow quickly.

Every entrepreneur is a role model, whether its the owner of a mom & pop shop or a mogul. They each have a unique story to tell, and interesting perspective from their experiences, successes, and failures. Two of our more well-known role models would be the serial entrepreneurs Warren Buffett and Mark Cuban.

What’s next for BackerBar?

Our next phase includes the rollout of a mobile app to better connect fans on the go with the best BackerBars in their area. First thing to incorporate is the mobile site platform to allow for easier access for the ever expanding amount of mobile users. More and more people use their smartphone for information each day and our goal is to connect fans on the move. We have to reach this space asap. Plus the more cities we cover, the more fans we can help.


Go find your team’s backer bars here at

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