The Dos and Don’ts of Digital Marketing


Digital marketing is actually really easy to get wrong. This probably isn’t a newsflash to you. But if you’re looking to get into digital marketing to boost your business, then it’s important to know how to get things right and how to get things wrong! (So you can avoid doing the former, not so you can do it. Obviously.)

Here’s a quick guide to some of the key dos and don’ts of digital marketing.


Set realistic expectations. None of us will get to the reach of, say, George Takei’s social media accounts overnight. Set realistic expectations – relatively slow growth is one of those realistic expectations. (And yes, George Takei’s social media accounts are mostly handled by someone other than George Takei. He earns a lot of money renting out his social media accounts for businesses and websites that need a boost!)

Put a focus on website usability. If your website isn’t actually all that enjoyable to use, then your digital marketing campaign may be for naught. A lot of new business owners forget about this crucial step. Optimize your website to the best of your ability. Those new users should be coming in to a really premium-looking website.

Get help if you need it. Yes, it’s true that effective SEO can be absolutely free if you know how to do it right. Of course, by “free,” we mean that it can cost you nothing in direct monetary cost. But it does take an absolutely tremendous amount of time to do properly. (And, as time is money, I guess it’s not really free after all, right?) So if you don’t have confidence in your ability to get results, then work with a professional SEO company. It will save you a lot of time and frustration in the long run.

Define your target market. Marketing isn’t something that you do indiscriminately, if the existence of this article didn’t already tip you off to that. Your marketing is going to be most effective if it’s aimed at the right kind of people. So make sure you know what your target market is and start aiming your marketing at areas most frequented by that demographic.


‘Like’ your own content. Come on, man. That just makes people cringe. Don’t hit the like button on your own content. Being proud of your content isn’t the same as calling out your own adoration of it. Besides, liking your own content doesn’t help with reach.

Spam. Your followers and subscribers are going to get pretty tired of you if they’re getting notifications several times a day from your business. I know you’re eager to get the word out, to strike gold with your content, but ease up a little!

Market before you’re ready. You have to make sure that your business, and especially your business website, is actually ready for an influx of customers or visitors. You really could strike gold with a marketing campaign in a short space of time if you do it right, but that deluge of attention can cause problems if you’re not ready. So prepare for all that traffic!


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